Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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250 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

But the most ingenious and convincing way to
demonstrate transmutation into gold was by heating a
small amount of mercury in a crucible, along with a
pinch of red powder claimed to be the fabled Philoso-
pher’s Stone. The alchemist would stir the mixture with
a long metal rod, and slowly it would change color,
from silver to gold. Removed from the heat, it cooled
into a solid nugget of genuine gold. The secret was
that the metal rod was actually a hollow tube filled
with gold dust and stoppered with a wax plug that
would melt in the hot mercury, allowing the gold dust
to trickle into the mixture. As the heat increased, the
mercury gradually boiled away, leaving behind only
the molten gold.
Unfortunately, there was a really nasty side effect

to this trick. Mercury fumes are highly toxic, destroy-
ing brain cells and causing insanity—which might ex-
plain some of the stranger alchemical art and writings!
(Don’t try this yourself!)

Changing Silver into Copper
You can do your own little transmutation of met-
als by chemically plating silver with copper. Now, I’ll
admit there’s not much of a demand for that, but it’s
still fun to do. Dissolve ½ tsp. of azurite and 1¼ tsp.
of sodium bisulfate in 1 Tbls. of water. Place a silver
dime or other silver coin into the solution, along with
a small iron nail. In a few minutes the coin will be
covered with a coating of copper and will look just like
a penny.

Lesson 7:
Alchemical Symbols

To keep their secrets out of the hands of
the incompetent and unworthy, alche-
mists hid their instructions and lab notes
within a tangled code of symbols. Some
of these were allegorical names repre-
senting materials and processes: black
crow, dragon, grey wolf, king, king’s son,
leper, lion, peacock, phoenix, tree, uni-
corn, etc. Others symbols were glyphs,
such as this table from Basile Valentin’s
The Last Will & Testament (1413).
As already noted , the seven primary
metals were identified with the seven
planets, and symbolized by their glyphs:

Gold  Silver =
Iron  Mercury 
Tin  Copper 

The processes of Alchemy were symbol-
ized by glyphs of the signs of the Zodiac:

Calcination  Congelation 
Fixation  Dissolution 
Digestion  Distillation 
Sublimation  Separation 
Incineration Fermentation
Multiplication Projection

Lesson 8: Resources

A number of different Chemistry sets
are listed at Discover This:
An excellent distiller by Gary Stadler
is at:

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