Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

Course Six: Spectrum, Part 2 283

20 03

you want to smell is the special incense for the rite.
Make sure you are well-rested. If you are tired or ill,
don’t attempt to do conjurations! Take a nice purify-
ing shower or bath, and wear a clean white robe.

Here’s a general plan for conjuration of an Angel:
First, you must become very familiar with the
qualities and associations of the Angel you wish to
contact. Study the various Tables of Correspondence
in this Grimoire, and make up a little chart for this
particular Angel. Below are some specific correspon-
dences for the Archangels.
Second, you must have a very specific purpose in
mind for this contact. Idle curiosity is just not good
enough! Write down your Statement of Intent on a
piece of parchment. Also make a checklist of all the
items you will need. Prepare those that you have to
make (such as incense), and have everything in place
before you begin the operation.
The main special item you will
have to construct for these con-
jurations is a plywood equilat-
eral triangle with a round hole
cut out of the center that
your Speculum (Scrying
Mirror) will fit into. You
will need to make a
brace for the back that
will support it at a 45°
angle. In the three corners, draw the appropriate sigils
(see 4.VII.3: “Talismans of the Planetary Powers”).
The other thing you will need to make is a Talis-
man appropriate to the Planetary Sphere. This can be
painted or drawn on cloth or parchment in the appro-
priate color (again, see 4.VII.3 for details).

Personal: Put on a tabard of the appropriate color
over your white robe. Wear an appropriate gemstone on
a pendant, a ring, or in your mojo bag. Anoint your wrists,
temples, chest and third eye with the appropriate oil.

Ritual Space: Put an appropriate-colored light bulb
in a lamp, and turn out all other lights. Mark a circle
(you can use chalk, or a loop of string) large enough
to sit in comfortably, and place a cushion in its center.
Set up your scrying triangle outside the circle, in the
East, with the mirror facing inward so you can see
your face in it when you sit in the center of the circle.
Set the Talisman in front of you, inside the circle. Have
a little bell in the North—the best kind is one you can
hit with a striker. In the West, set a Chalice of water.
And place your Thurible and incense in the South.
Outside the circle, position 4 candles halfway be-
tween the compass quarters, all the same color.

The Operation: First, cast the circle in the usual
fashion, but do not invoke the Elements. Then light
the candles, and burn appropriate incense. Sit down
on the cushion, and put yourself into a meditative state.
Close your eyes and visualize a shining Angelic pres-
ence. When you are ready, open your eyes and gaze
into the Speculum in the same unfocused fashion as
when you are perceiving auras (or stereograms).
Continuing to gaze into the Speculum, strike the
bell, and think silently the name of the Angel you wish
to contact, as many times as their number. Strike the
bell before each calling. Then do the same thing again,
for the same number of times, only this time whisper
the name softly. And finally, do a third repetition while
intoning the name aloud in strong tones. At the con-
clusion, say: “I summon thee to appear before me!”
If you have prepared yourself
properly, and have already ac-
quired some skill in meditation
and visualization, you should
see the face of the Angel appear
in your Speculum. With enough
practice, you may become able
to see his/her full figure rise up
before you, as if your Speculum
was a laser projector. Maintain
your state of meditative calm,
and ask the Angel for whatever
you had previously determined
according to your intention. You
can be sure your prayers will be
Finally, drink from your
Chalice (you’ll be quite thirsty!),
thank the Angel, and bid him/her
hail and farewell. After he/she
fades from view, open your circle,
put out the candles, and return
the space to its normal use.


  1. Metatron Links human Sage, Herkimer White
    and Divine Frankincense Diamond

  2. Ratziel Concealment, Geranium Fluorite Smoky
    hidden knowledge Eucalyptus blue

  3. Tzaphqiel Answers prayers, Sage, Chamomile, Obsidian, Black
    intercession Eucalyptus, Myrhh Tourmaline

  4. Tzadkiel Protect teachers, Bayberry, Lapis Blue,
    manifestation Cedar, Nutmeg lazuli purple

  5. Kamael Strength, Cinnamon, Garnet Olive,
    courage Gardenia, Cypress citrine

  6. Raphael Healing Jasmine, Rose Yellow,
    Rose, Lilly quartz pink

  7. Haniel Artistic, Patchouli, Emerald, Green
    creativity Rose, Bayberry Malachite

  8. Michael Protection, Rosemary Citrine, Orange,
    patience Calcite peach

  9. Gabriel Messenger Jasmine, Aloes, Quartz, Purple
    of God Sandalwood Moonstone

  10. Sandalphon Life, Sandalwood, Smoky Black,
    prayer Lemon, Carnation quartz russet

  11. Spectrum 2.p65 283 1/15/2004, 9:31 AM

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