Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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big cigars. His wife is Bomba Gira, the sacred whore
Obatala (oh-BAH-ta-LAH)— He is the creator God, of
whom all the Orixa are but aspects. Bringer of peace
and calm, and protector of the crippled and
deformed, he drinks no alcohol.
Ogun (oh-GOON)— Metalsmith and warrior, he is the
patron of civilization and technology.
Oxun (oh-SHOON), Urzulie— Beautiful River Queen
of fresh waters, she is the goddess of love, sexual
passion, sensuality, and luxury.
Oya (OH-yah)— Goddess of storms, tornadoes,

lightning, and cemeteries. She epitomizes female
power and righteous anger.
Xango (SHAN-go)— Orixa of lightning, dance, and
passion, he is the epitome of all things masculine
and the dispenser of vengeance on behalf of the
Yemaya (YEH-may-YAH), Yemaja, Iemanja— Loving
sea-mother and goddess of the Moon, guardian of
women and childbirth, fertility, and Witchcraft. She
rules the subconscious and creative endeavors and
is worshipped by millions in Brazil.

  1. Some Archetypal Deity Correspondences

MOTHER Gaea Ana Albion Erda, Jörd Neith, Isis, Ninhursag Ashera Prithivi,
EARTH Terra Anu Don Hertha Geb (m.) Enlil (m.) Maya
SKY Ouranos Dagda Aegir Nuit (f.), Anu Baal- Dyaus-
FATHER Coelus Bile Alcis (twins) Anhur Shamin Pitar
FATHER Helios Grainne (f.)Ludd Balder Ra, Aten, Shamash Baal- Surya
SUN Sol Lugh Sun Horus Bel-Marduk Moloch
SISTER Artemis Mani Hathor, Nanna, Baal-ith, Ratri
MOON Diana Arionrhod Mon Khonsu (m.) Sin (m.) Tanit, Sin Soma
MOTHER Rhea Dana Mother Nerthus Neith, Nammu Baal-At Aditi,
NATURE Cybele Danu Nature Isis, Mut Mami Prisni
FATHER Kronos Father Neheh Shiva,
TIME Saturn Time Kali (f.)
GREEN MAN Adonis Robur Jack-in- Freyr Khem, Damuzzi Attis, Soma
(vegetation) Florus Mabon the-Green Osiris Tammuz Aleyn
GREEN MAID Persephoné Litha, Freya Neith Ashnan Ashera Green
(vegetation) Flora, CeresBlodeuwedd Habondia Hinlil Tara
RED MAN Pan Cernunnos Herne Loki Apis Enkidu Pashupati
(animals) Faunus Lahar
RED MAID Artemis Flidais Elen Artio Bast, Lilith Manasa
(animals) Fauna Rhiannon Hathor
SEAS & Poseidon Boann, Dylan Aegir, Nun, Tiamet Khusor, Varuna
WATERS Neptune Ler, Llyr Ran, NjordNunet Ea, Apsu Asherat
UNDER- Hades Donn Math Hel Osiris, Ereshkigal Mot Yama,
WORLD Pluto, Dis Arawn Anubis Nergal Yami
DEATH Thanatos Arawn Grim- Odin, Nepthys, Nergal Azrael Rudra
Orcus Tethra Reaper Hel Set
LOVE, SEX, Eros, Angus (m.) Eostre, Frigg, Sif, Hathor, Inanna Belitis, Lakshmi,
BEAUTY & Aphrodite Creirwy Ostara Freya, Freyr Min (m.), Ishtar Mylitta Kama (m.)
FERTILITY Venus Aine Gefion Khnum Ninlil, Utu Indra
MAGIC & Hermes Ogma, Dagda Merlin, Odin Thoth, Enki Latpon, Ushas
WISDOM Mercury Manawyddan Cerridwen Bragi Ma’at Nebo Shehinah
WAR & Ares, Nuada Arthur Tyr, Tiw, Sekhmet, Inanna Astarte Indra,
BATTLE Athena Camulus Tiwaz Septu Ishtar, Ninurta Krishna,
Mars Morrigan Asshur Kottavei
HEALING & Hygeia, Brighid, Freya Serapis, Eshmun Rudra,
MEDICINE Aesculapius Dian Cecht Imhotep Gula, Ninib Asvins
SMITH- Hephaestos Brighid, Lugh Wayland Mime, Ptah Ea Hiyon Agni,
CRAFTS Vulcan Gofannon Siegfried Girru Visvakarma
RAINS & Zeus, Aeolus Thor Tefnut Zu, Enki Baal- Indra,
STORMS Jupiter Taranis Donar Set Hadad Zebub Agni

Course Seven: Lore 317

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