Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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342 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

Frederick Lamond (1931–)
has worshipped Nature since the
age of 12 when he lived in French
Switzerland. At 23, he had a mys-
tical experience in the arms of his
first fiancée, and in February 1957
he was initiated into Gardnerian
Witchcraft in the presence of
Gerald Gardner himself. He is probably the longest
continuously-practicing Wiccan in the world. He is also
a member of the Fellowship of Isis and the Church of
All Worlds, active in Inter-Faith activities, and attended
the 1993 and 1999 Parliaments of World Religions in
Chicago and Cape Town (South Africa), as well as the
first Gathering of the Elders of Ancient Traditions and
Cultures in Mumbai (India) in 2003. In addition to
numerous articles in Pagan and Wiccan publications
on both sides of the Atlantic, Frederic has written two
books: The Divine Struggle (1990) and Religion
without Beliefs (1997). He is currently working on
Wicca at 50, a Personal Retrospective.

Raymond Buckland (1934–),
known as “The Father of Ameri-
can Wicca,” was the first to intro-
duce Gardnerian Wicca to the U.S.
in the early 1960s. He was born in
London of Romany (Gypsy) de-
scent. His spiritual quest led him
to the works of Gerald Gardner. Buckland began serv-
ing as Gardner’s spokesman in the U.S. and was initi-
ated into the Craft shortly before Gardner’s death in

  1. In the mid-1970s he founded the Saxon tradi-
    tion, Seax-Wica, now practiced in countries around
    the world. He was also instrumental in helping spread
    the solitary practice of PectWita, a form of Scottish
    Witchcraft. He has had more than 30 titles published,
    including The Witch Book and Buckland’s Complete
    Book of Witchcraft. Raymond is the Fæder of Seax-
    Wica and a member of the International Guild of Sor-
    cerers and the International Society of Independent

Nybor (Jim Odbert) (1936–) A
graduate from the Minneapolis
School of Art, Nybor has owned
and operated art studios in Min-
neapolis and New York City and is
most renowned for his black and
white science fiction art, including
book and magazine covers and interiors. In 1985, he
gave up the tie, tails, and “cocktail crowd” for a hum-
bler, more peaceful life in the West Virginia mountains
where he could dedicate himself to creating the art he
wanted to create. When you look at the detailed and
colorful works of Nybor, you would never know that
this 67-year-old artist has been colorblind since birth.

Nelson White (Frater Zara-
thustra) (1938–2003) was active in
the southern California occult
scene for more than 20 years, and
was instrumental in the formation
and operation of several esoteric
churches and magickal orders. For
more than 15 years he published
The White Light, a quarterly magazine of Ceremonial
Magick. He operated a religious supply and book-
store in Pasadena for over 17 years, writing more than
125 books on Magick and other topics. Dr. White
taught in a number of junior and senior high schools
and was knighted by the Alter Souveräner Templer
Orden, based in Vienna, Austria. Retired from NASA’s
Ames Research Center, he was a private pilot and ham
radio operator, and sang in The Richmond Choir. He
died just as this Grimoire was being completed.

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart (1942–) See p. 372 for
bio and photo.

Abby Willowroot (1945–) is an
archetypist, metalsmith, Goddess
artist, writer, priestess, and mother
and has been a practicing Pagan
since the mid-1960s. Foun-der of
the Goddess 2000 Project, Spiral
Goddess Grove, and Willowroot Real Magic Wands,
she is dedicated to putting Goddess and magickal im-
agery and consciousness into contemporary culture.
Since 1965, Abby has been a professional Pagan and
Goddess folk artist. Self-taught, she learned to follow
her own muse at an early age. Abby lives and works in
northern California. Her art and writing have appeared
in books, museum shows, WomanSpirit, SageWoman,
and Llewellyn publications. Nine pieces of Ms. Wil-
low-root’s jewelry are in the permanent collections of
the Smithsonian Institution.

Amber K (1947–) is a Wiccan
Priestess of the Ladywoods Tradi-
tion, from the Pagan Way Tradi-
tion, out of the Gardnerian Tradi-
tion. She has served the Goddess
and the Horned God for more than
24 years, in various roles: as priestess, as National First
Officer of Covenant of the Goddess, as editor of Circle
Network News, as a faculty member of RCG’s Cella
program, and currently as Executive Director of
Ardantane Witch College and Pagan Learning Center
in New Mexico. She is the author of True Magick,
Covencraft, Moonrise, The Pagan Kids’ Activity Book,
Candlemas, and The Heart of Tarot. She lives and
works with her partner Azrael Arynn K in among the
red mesas and high desert of the Jemez Mountains,
the home of Ardantane.

  1. Lore.p65 342 1/15/2004, 9:38 AM

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