Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

(backadmin) #1

Course One: Wizardry 47

we pay attention, put on the templates of our special
“3-D sunglasses,” and look out to sea. Because it might
be that This Means Something! Often something Big,
and if we’re paying attention, like a surfer paddling
out there beyond the breakers on his boogie board,
we can see that wave coming, we can position our-
selves to catch it, and when it rises beneath us, we
can use its momentum and power for a wild ride.
This is what we call surfing the synchronicity
wave. The rule here is simple: Pay attention! Stay alert,
and notice everything. You are developing a skill. Just
like a detective in a movie, or a tracker in the wild,
how good you are at this skill depends on how well
you observe every little detail. Fitting the clues to-
gether will point your way towards recognizing the
larger pattern, the synchronicity that is more than just
random, minor, overlapping events.

Abby Willowroot says: “I tend to view Synchro-
nicity as a kind of sacred entrainment with the
Universe and its pulse. When you are ‘in the flow,’
synchronicities happen frequently. The more you
‘push the river,’ the less frequently they happen.
It seems like the difference between making magic
and being magically in tune and allowing magic
to flow through you, as you direct it.”

Lesson 4: Glossary of
Metaphysical Concepts

Just as in the science of physics, the realm of meta-
physics also has its own vocabulary. Here are a few
important terms and concepts you should know:

Metaphysics: “Beyond physics.” The study and phi-
losophy of the relationships between perceived
reality and the deeper, underlying universal real-
ity and principles. The word was originated by
Aristotle to describe his books that came after his
work on physics.
Mundane: “Worldly.” Commonplace, ordinary, non-
magickal. Used to refer to “normal” reality, as op-
posed to altered or enhanced states of perception.
Sacred: Especially imbued with the essence of di-
vinity, or considered to be so imbued.
Profane: The opposite of sacred.
Occult: “Hidden.” This term refers to all the mysteri-
ous and secret arts, studies, knowledge, practices,
and groups—especially those that are not under-
stood, unpopular, and often condemned by
Mundanes. In astronomy, an object is “occulted”
when it disappears behind something else.
Mysteries: Things that can only be known through
experience, and cannot be communicated verbally
or in writing. Such are often conveyed as part of
an Initiation.

Initiation: A ritualized transformational experience
that introduces one to a new reality. A rite of pas-
sage into a mystical society or religion.
Esoteric: Hidden, implicit, experiential, and “inner.”
Exoteric: Obvious, explicit, explainable, and “outer.”
Arcane/Arcana: Secret, mysterious. Another word for
all things esoteric and occult. Arcana are things that
are arcane in nature. Arcana is the plural of arcanum
—Latin neuter form of arcanus: Knowledge usu-
ally considered for Initiates only, as in the Mysteries.
Paranormal: “Alongside the normal.” Outside the
range of the normal. Unusual or “supernatural.”
Not explainable by current scientific principles.
Supernatural: That which apparently goes beyond
experience or existence in the natural world, or
cannot be explained through known natural laws
or forces. Miraculous.
Anomaly/Anomalous: Something unusual, abnor-
mal, inconsistent, contradictory, or improper.
Archetype: The basic pattern, or idea, in the collec-
tive unconscious from which all things in the same
class are representations.
Path: A method, system, or approach to magickal or
mystical knowledge.
Adept: “Arrived” or “attained.” Expert. One who has
studied and achieved much and has become highly
skilled in magick or mysticism. To be adept at
something means you’re “good at it.”
Mystic: One who pursues the philosophical and spiri-
tual side of magick.
Enlightenment: A state of deep and total awareness,
experiencing constant connectedness with all and
everything. Some people experience at times a
united state that gives a hint of what enlighten-
ment is.
Lucidity: A state of enhanced awareness, when an
exceptional understanding of the deep essential
nature of things, people and events and their con-
nectedness is experienced, usually with clairvoy-
ance or telepathic faculties.
Avatar: A deity incarnate in human form, such as
Christ, Buddha, or Krishna. A person regarded as
an exemplary representation of some kind.
Macrocosm: “Big world.” The world without. The
Universe all around us.
Microcosm: “Little world.” Traditionally, the micro-
cosm is the human being seen as a miniature rep-
resentation of the larger Universe.
Aura: “Invisible breath or emanation.” Auras are the
fields of biomagnetic energy that emanate from,
envelop, and interconnect all living things, within
and without
Astral: “Of the stars.” Astral refers to the invisible
universe and fields of living energies, conscious-
ness, and magick. The shadowy realms and alter-
nate realities in which magickal practitioners op-
erate. Astral realms and regions (such as the

  1. Wizardry.p65 47 1/14/2004, 3:23 PM

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