Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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50 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

ends creates a continuous
flow of energies and par-
ticles between them. These
flows follow lines of force
that can be traced in vari-
ous ways. For instance, if
you lay a bar magnet down
on a piece of paper and
sprinkle iron filings around it,
you will see the filings line up
along the magnetic lines of force to map out the
magnet’s entire field. Try this and then visualize this
same pattern regarding every other kind of field.
Other than with magnets, most fields are created
by rotational friction. The negative/positive poles oc-
cur at the axis of rotation. The Earth’s gravitational
field is aligned with its axis of rotation, which is the
North Pole in the middle of the Arctic Ocean and the
South Pole in the middle of Antarctica. But the inner
core of the Earth rotates at a slighted different angle
and speed, and its poles—called the magnetic poles—
are what a compass points to, as these are the nega-
tive/positive poles of Earth’s magnetic field.
Gravitational fields are infinite in extent, though
they lose strength over distance, but other fields have
very limited ranges. It is these limited fields that may
be “hardened” into shields. The Earth’s magnetic field
(called the magnetosphere) reaches out to about
15,800 miles, but it “hardens” into a compact layer
1,975 miles overhead to become the inner Van Allen
Belt. This ring-shaped belt is created by a portion of
the magnetosphere being driven back towards the
Earth by the Solar Wind—charged particles from the
Sun coming towards the Earth and interacting with
the magnetosphere. The radiation belts consist of such
particles moving through the magnetosphere and be-
ing deflected by the field (a charged particle moving
in a magnetic field undergoes an acceleration due to a
force generated by the object’s movement). This is
the Earth’s shield, and it protects us from cosmic radia-
tion by absorbing and disbursing the incoming particles:

Like the Earth Herself, each of us is a living field
generator. The fields that emanate from and surround
our bodies are called our Auras. Because we’re not
rotating on our axis like the Earth, our field poles are
more like those of a magnet. One pole, called the
Crown Chakra, is at the top of our heads, right at the

juncture of the three large skull bones (frontal and
parietals) that come together there (when we are
babies, this point is actually an open hole!). The
opposite pole—called the Root Chakra—is at the
base of our spine, right at the tip of our tailbone.

D. Morphogenic Fields
The concept of morphogenic (“shape-creating”)
fields was first proposed in the 1920s. It was revived
in 1968 by Rupert Sheldrake, a former Cambridge
University biologist. Sheldrake says that every living
thing contributes its experience to a collective
“memory pool.” The field acts as a template, shaping
behavior. Morphogenic fields are built up through the
accumulated behaviors of species’ members and act
as a template, shaping behavior.
When events happen, similar events are more
likely to happen because a morphogenic field has been
created. With morphogenic fields, the evolution of be-
havior becomes much easier to explain. Spiders of a
particular species are linked into a morphogenic field
for creating the appropriate kind of web. The mor-
phogenic field will change, based on the experiences
of individual spiders. Thus these experiences can be
passed down to future generations. Gradually, the best
fields become the strongest ones, and the animals fol-
low these guidelines automatically. This works like
evolution. However, unlike physical evolution, the or-
ganizing principle lies outside the animal. In addi-
tion, it can learn from experience and can pass on
much more complicated things, such as having a men-
tal model of a web. Because there is a link between
the structure of the animal and the structure of the
morphogenic field, spiders will automatically latch
onto fields appropriate to their own species.
Morphogenic fields explain the way Nature re-
members things. An overlap of creativity and routine
behavior shapes the way different life forms behave,
and this evolutionary learning process is essentially
retained as a collective, species-wide memory. Thus
every life form has some impact on the behavior of
every other life form, particularly those within its own
species. And there is a greater field (“The Force”) that
binds together all humans, and beyond that, all life forms.
Many of our magickal rituals are designed to “tap
into” the morphogenic field at various stages, such as
“getting in touch with” our ancestors or the Spirits of
Nature in order to draw upon their wisdom. This is
why some magickal groups jealously guard their ritual
secrets—they wish to keep the morphogenic field that
they have created very specific and concentrated in
order to have very specific and concentrated results.
If too many people get the “coven secrets” and make
modifications to the ritual structure, then the morpho-
genic field becomes diffuse and ill-defined, making
the thoughtform harder to focus on specific tasks; the
magick “loses its kick.”

  1. Wizardry.p65 50 1/14/2004, 3:23 PM

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