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sier, and sculptor Henry Moore. These pictures
were published as a book in 1954 under the title
Eight European Artists, which was edited by Man.
He also started a collection with original graphics
(which he built up to one of the largest private
collections of lithograhs) and did research on gra-
phic art, studying its history and techniques. He
wrote several books and articles on lithography,
painting, and cultural affairs as well as continuing
to photograph until his death in 1985.
In most of his reportages, the pictures were put
together in a way that they were able to tell the
story, making a text almost unnecessary. In this
context, Man often made use of the portrait, putting
it in sequences, in particular, and in this way relating
the content intensively to reality. Unlike many
photojournalists who shoot multiple rolls of film to
find the right pictures in the solitude of the studio,
Man was able to seize the precise significant mo-
ments from the passing scene, capturing the essence
of the occasion in sequences of 20 or 30 pictures.
The pictures themselves were documentary and sim-
ple, showing artless realism and only using natural
light, keeping the truth of the atmosphere.


Seealso:Life Magazine; Photography in Germany and
Austria; Picture Post; Salomon, Erich; Weber, Wolfgang


Born as Hans Felix Siegismund Baumann in Freiburg/Breis-
gau, Germany, 30 November 1893. Started making
photographs, 1903. Studied art and art history in Munich
and Berlin, 1912–1914; service in the german army, 1914–
1918; continued his studies at the Kunstgewerbeschule in
Munich, 1918–1921; illustrator and photographer for Ull-
stein Verlag, Berlin, 1926–1933; production chief for
photojournalism for Dephot, 1928; photoreporter for
Mu ̈nchner Illustrierte Presse, 1929–1932; immigrated to
England, 1934; co-founder ofWeekly Illustrated, 1934;
photographer forDaily Mirror,Liliput(since 1937) and
Picture Post(since 1938); photojournalist forLife, 1950–

  1. Moved to Lugano, Switzerland, 1961 and Rome,

  2. Recipient of the ‘‘Kulturpreis’’ of the DGPh (Ger-
    man Photographic Society), 1965. Died in London, 1985.

Selected Individual Exhibitions

1961 Galerie Loehr; Frankfurt/Main, Germany
1965 Deutsche Gesellschaft fu ̈r Photographie; Cologne,
1971 Felix H. Man: Pionier des Bildjournalismus;Mu ̈nchner
Stadtmuseum; Munich, Germany
1975 Felix H. Man-Photographs and Picture Stories 1915–
1975 ; Fotografiska Museet; Stockholm, Sweden
1977 Felix H. Man-Pioneer of Photo-journalism; Goethe
Institute; London, Great Britian

1978 Felix H. Man-Sechzig Jahre Fotografie; Kunsthalle
Bielefeld; Bielefeld, Germany
1981 60 ans de la photographie; Bibliothe`que Nationale and
Goethe Institute; Paris, France
1983 Felix H. Man-Bildjournalist der ersten Stunde; Staats-
bibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz; Berlin, Germany

Selected Group Exhibitions
1959 Hundert Jahre Photographie; Museum Folkwang; Essen,
1977 Documenta 6; Museum Fridericianum; Kassel, Ger-
1992/3 Photo-Sequenzen; Haus am Waldsee; Berlin, Ger-
2001/2 Kiosk; Museum Ludwig/Agfa Foto-Historama,
Cologne and Altonaer Museum; Hamburg, Germany

Further Reading
Gidal, Tim N.Deutschland: Beginn des modernen Photojour-
nalismus. Frankfurt and Lucerne: Main, 1972.
Eskildsen, Ute.Fotografien in deutschen Zeitschriften 1924–
1933. Stuttgart: Institut fu ̈r Auslandsbeziehungen, 1982.
Man, Felix H.Sechzig Jahre Fotografie. Bielefeld, Ger-
many: Kunsthalle Bielefeld, 1978.
———.Man With Camera: Photographs from Seven Dec-
ades. New York: Schocken Books, 1984. AsFelix H
Man: Photographer aus 70 Jahren.Munich, 1983.
———.Bildserien aus nah und fern. Pionier des modernen
Bildjournalismus. Freiburg/Breisgau, 1995.

Books by Man
150 Years of Artists’ Lithographs 1803–1953. London, 1953.
Eight European Artists, photographed and edited by Felix
H. Man. Introduction by Graham Greene and Jean
Cassou, 1954.
Graham Sutherland. Das graphische Werk 1922–1970(Cat-
alogue raisonne ́e of Graham Sutherland’s graphic
work). Munich, 1970.
Europa ̈ische Graphik IX. Munich: Galerie Wolfgang Ket-
terer, 1974.

Felix H. Man, Restaurant in British Museum.
[#Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS]

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