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Modern Museum. There is no permanent installa-
tion; however, temporary exhibitions take place on a
regular basis. Recent interest in Nordic photography
throughout Scandinavia has led to the founding of
the Nordic Network for the History and Aesthetics
of Photography in 2003 whose aim is to make Nor-
dic history of photography more visible and to serve
as a platform for discussions on international theo-
retic developments and literature.

The Library

The Photography Library together with a Study
Room for eight researchers provides a unique
environment for the public to conduct photo-
graphic research. The Library began with several
important book collections, namely that of Helmut
Gernsheim and Professor Helmer Ba ̈ckstro ̈mas

well as the collection ofFotografiska Fo ̈reningen
(the Photographic Society, Stockholm). All give
the collection its distinguishing strength in the his-
torical development of Swedish photography and
its relationship to the world photographic scene.
Today the Moderna Museet houses the largest
photographic library in northern Europe and con-
tains literature on individual photographers, books
on world photographic history, and exhibition cat-
alogues as well as a pioneering collection of artists’
films and videos. Its periodicals’ section is unpar-
alleled in Sweden, comprising press clippings from
a selection of Swedish newspapers, some 200 maga-
zines from around the world, and an extensive
historical archive, including documents in 11,000
vertical files on Swedish and foreign photographers
and photographic issues.

Sune Jonsson, The Farmers Albert and Tea Johansson, 1956, Collections of Moderna Museet,
[Courtesy Moderna Museet, Stockholm]

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