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Homage to Spanish Still Life by Yasumasa Morimura &
Miran Fukuda, Nagoya City Art Museum; Nagoya, Japan
1994 Japanese Art After 1945: Scream Against the Sky;
Yokohama Museum of Art, Yokohama, Japan; Gug-
genheim Museum SoHo, New York
Inside Out: Contemporary Japanese Photography; The
Light Factory Photographic Arts Center, Charlotte,
North Carolina; Kemper Museum of Contemporary
Art, Kansas City, Missouri
1995 Cocido y Crudo; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte
Reina Sofia; Madrid
Objects, Faces and Anti-Narratives—Rethinking Mod-
ernism; Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography;
Tokyo, Japan
Japan Art Today; Louisiana Museum for Moderne
Kunst, Humlebaek, Denmark, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo,
Norway; Wa ̈ino ̈ Aaltosen Museo, Turku, Finland; Lil-
jevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm; Osterreichisches Mu-
seum fur Angewandte Kunst, Vienna; Deichtorhallen
in Hamburg
Duchamp’s Leg; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis,
Minnesota; Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, Florida
1997 Images of Women in Japanese Contemporary Art
1930’s–1990’s; Shoto Museum; Tokyo

Rrose is a Rrose is a Rrose: Gender Performance in
Photography; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; New
York, New York
1998 Tastes and Pursuits: Japanese Art in the 1990s; New
Delhi National Modern Museum; New Delhi, India

Selected Works
Self-Portrait, Gogh, 1985
Portrait (Futago), 1988–1990
Yen Mountain, 1991
Self-Portrait (Actress)/Black Marilyn, 1996
Self-Portrait (Actress)/After Catherine Deneuve 3, 1996
To My Little Sister: for Cindy Sherman,1998
Monna Lisa: In its Origin/In Pregnancy/In The Third Place,

Further Reading
Annear, Judy. ‘‘Mirrors in the Water: The Work of Yasu-
masa Morimura.’’Binocular(November 1992): 149–157.

Yasumasa Morimura, Portrait (Futago), 1988.
[#Courtesy of the artist and Luhring Augustine, New York]

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