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Stephen Wirtz Gallery; San Francisco
1991 Gabinete De Arte Rachel Arnaud; Sa ̈o Paolo, Brazil
Galerie Claudine Papillon; Paris, France
1992 Individuals; Stux Gallery; New York
Claudio Botello Arte; Turin, Italy
1993 Equivalents; Ponte Pietra Gallery; Verona, Italy (tra-
veled to Tricia Collins Contemporary Art; New York)
1994 Representations; Wooster Gardens; New York
1995 The Wire Pictures; Galeria Camargo Vilac ̧ a; Sa ̈o
Paolo, Brazil
1997 The Sugar Children; Tricia Collins Contemporary Art;
New York
The Best of Life; Wooster Gardens; New York
1998 Pictures of Thread; Wooster Gardens; New York
1999 Centre national de la photographie; Paris, France
Galeri Lars Bohman; Stockholm, Sweden
Gian Enzo Sperone Gallery; Rome, Italy
Galeria Mo ́dulo; Lisbon, Portugal
2001 Museu de Arte Moderna; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Museu de Arte Moderna; Sao Paulo, Brazil
Whitney Museum of American Art; New York
Reparte ́; Woodruff Art Center; Atlanta, Georgia
Fondation Huis Marseille; Amsterdam, The Nether-
Galeria Camargo Vilaca; Sao Paulo, Brazil
Musee ́de l’E ́lise ́e Lausanne, Switzerland
Seeing is Believing; Tang Teaching Museum and Art
Gallery; Saratoga Springs, New York (traveled to Mu-
seum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago; Interna-
tional Center of Photography, New York)

Group Exhibitions

1992 Life Size: Small, Medium, Large; Museo D’Arte Con-
temporaneo Luigi Pecci; Prato, Italy
1994 Single Cell Creatures; Katonah Museum of Art; Kato-
nah, New York
Time to Time; Castello de Rivera; Torino, Italy
Sound, Museo D’Arte Moderna Boizano; Itlay
1997 Photography XIII; Museum of Modern Art; New
Asi esta a cosa; Centro Cultural Arte Contemporaneo;
Mexico City, Mexico
Colecio ́n Ordo ́nez Falco ́n de fotografia; IVAM Centre
Julio Gonzalez; Valencia, Spain
Shadow Pla; San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art;
San Jose, California
Some Assembly Required; Art Institute of Chicago;
Chicago, Illinois
Changing Perspective; Contemporary Arts Museum;
Houston, Texas
Mostra America; Fundac ̧ a ̃o Cultural de Curituba;
Curituba, Brazil
Garbage;Thread Waxing Space; New York
The Photographic Condition; San Francisco Museum
of Modern Art; San Francisco, California
1998 XXIV Bienal Internacional de Sa ̈o Paulo; Sa ̈o Paulo,
Le Donne ́, le fictive; Centre national de la photogra-
phie; Paris, France
Urban Canibal; Pac ̧ o das Artes; Sa ̈o Paulo, Brazil
1999 Museum as Muse; The Museum of Modern Art, New
York City, United States

Abracadabra; The Tate Gallery; London, United
2000 Biennial Exhibition; Whitney Museum of American
Art; New York
Photography Now; Contemporary Arts Center; New
Orleans, United States The Corcoran Biennial; Cor-
coran Gallery of Art; Washington, D.C., United States
2001 Proyecto Mnemosnyne; Coimbra, Portugal

Selected Works
Cogito Ergo Sum, 1989
Individuals, 1992–1993
Faucet, 1994
Paper and Wire, 1995
Little Calist Can’t Swim, 1996
Sigmund, 1997
Torso (After Frantisek Drtikol), 1997–1998
12,000 Yards (Etretat, After Courbet), 1998
Still, After Cindy Sherman, 2000
After Richter, 2001

Vik Muniz, Big James Sweats Buckets, from the series
Sugar Children, 1996, Gelatin silver print on paper, 14
1100 , Museum purchase made possible by the Horace W.
Goldsmith Foundation.
[Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC/Art
Resource, New York; Photo# Vik Muniz/Licensed by
VAGA, New York, New York]

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