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museum; an average of three exhibitions are held in
the Josef Sudek Gallery, and the museum organizes
and sponsors other projects in the Czech Republic
and abroad. The Library of the Museum of Dec-
orative Arts is the largest Czech public library spe-
cializing in art and related fields, including
photography books and magazines.

Moravska ́galerie v Brneˇ(Moravian Gallery in
Brno), Brno
The photography department of this extensive
general museum, one of the most important in the
Czech Republic, was founded in 1962. Highlights
are photographs of the 1920s and 1930s with
numerous examples of Czech modernists including
Josef Sudek, Jaromı ́r Funke, Frantisˇek Drtikol,
Karel Kasˇparˇı ́k, and others. The Cloister at the
former Governor’s Palace (one of the museum’s
three buildings) is devoted to photography; every
year about seven exhibitions, most of them mono-
graphic exhibition, of both Czech and foreign
photographers are featured.


Danmarks Fotomuseum, Herning
This museum devoted entirely to photography
was established by former photo dealer Sigfred Løv-
stad with his comprehensive collection of photo-
graphic equipment, especially historic cameras. The
museum was established in 1983 with the collections
enlarged in 1984 when the National Museum in
Copenhagen deposited most of their historical
photo collection. Permanent exhibitions cover pho-
tography from its beginnings to the present day with
an emphasis on the history of the camera. Other
special features of the collection include photographs
by Hans Christian Andersen and a display of holo-
graphs and their associated technology. The museum
consists of eight galleries of 535 square meters, and
features approximately eight temporary exhibitions
per year of both Danish and foreign photographers.

Museet for Fotokunst, Brandts Klaedefabrik,
Founded in 1987, the museum features approxi-
mately 7,500 items, including significant holdings of
Danish photographers Keld Helmer-Petersen, Viggo
Rivad, Gregers Nielsen, Per Bak Jensen, Jytte Rex,
Igor Savchenko (Belarus), Herman Fo ̈rsterling (Ger-
many), William Eggleston (USA), and Pentti Sam-

mallahtu (Finland). The major goals of the museum
include the preservation of Danish photo history and
promotion of the art of photography to the Danish
public. Approximately 12 temporary exhibitions are
mounted each year, four that feature experimental
work by younger artists in a series called ‘‘The Plat-
form’’ and one that features works from the collec-
tion. The museum houses a library with almost 4,000
items on photography, and publishes a bilingual
journal:KATALOG. The museum also hosts the
Odense Foto Triennale festival.


Suomen valokuvataiteen museo, Finlands
fotografiska museum, Helsinki
Founded in 1969 in a former cable factory, the
Finnish Museum of Photography specializes in his-
torical and contemporary Finnish photography. As
such the museum sponsored the national project
‘‘Memory of the Photograph’’ to rescue Finnish
photographs with the aim of helping photographic
archivist in Finland to catalogue and manage their
collections. Research and data networks are key fea-
tures of the museum which features 900 square meters
of exhibition space including galleries for permanent
and temporary exhibitions, including a gallery
devoted to exhibitions by emerging photographers.
The Museum houses a modern conservation labora-
tory, a central photographic archive, and a library.


Bibliothe`que nationale de France, Estampes et
photographie (Prints and Photography
Department), Paris
The premier collection of photographic material
in France, the photo collection of this ancient insti-
tution, represents more than 4 million photographs
covering the entire history of photography. Areas of
particular significance for twentieth century photo-
graphy are works by Euge`ne Atget, and over 100,000
works of contemporary photographers. The Bib-
liothe`que nationale maintains one of the largest
photo-libraries in France and awards two major
photography prizes, Prix Nadar and Prix Nie`pce,
for young photographers living in France. Works
from the collection are exhibited on a regular basis
in the Galerie Colbert as an experimental exhibition
venue for contemporary photography. Complete on-
line services are available for research and viewing of
photographs, including virtual exhibitions.


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