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Berlinische Galerie, Landesmuseum fu ̈r moderne
Kunst, Photographie und Architektur, Berlin
Founded in 1975 to collect and exhibit works by
Berlin-born or based artists, beginning with the
Berlin Secession. It features a comprehensive col-
lection, including photography. Of particular rele-
vance are the archives and estates of Heinrich Zille,
Erich Salomon, Marta Astfalck-Vietz, and Herbert
Tobias; a collection of photography of the former
German Democratic Republic (East Germany);
and a collection of contemporary photographers
including Dieter Appelt, Thomas Florschuetz, Elfi
Fro ̈hlich, and Michael Schmid.

Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen Preussischer
Kulturbesitz, Berlin
Founded in 1867, as one of the first libraries
specializing in art, the Kunstbibliothek has grown
and expanded over the years to include, besides
library collections, approximately 100,000 examples
of architectural, fashion, commercial, industrial and
fine-arts photography, including a large collection of
German and international photography of the nine-
teenth and twentieth centuries. Particular artists
include Ernst Juhl, Fritz Matthies-Masuren, La ́szlo ́
Moholy-Nagy, Max Burchartz, Albert Renger-
Patzsch, Helmar Lerski, Thomas Florschuetz, and
Dieter Appelt. The museum also features the
archives of Fritz Matthies Masuren (acquired 1915)
and Ernst Juhl (acquired 1916). In 1994, the Library
tion space of 285 square meters that mounts one or
two exhibitions per year.

Fotografische Sammlung im Museum Folkwang,
The Department of Photography was founded
in 1979 within this comprehensive museum. The
collection consists of international photography
of over 50,000 works of the twentieth century with
an emphasis on portraiture, architectural photo-
graphy, photojournalism, and postwar develop-
ments including works of the group fotoform
and those associated with Subjektive Fotografie.
The collection holds the estates of Helmar Lerski,
Germaine Krull, Wolfgang Weber, Walter Peter-
hans, and Otto Steinert and the archives of Peter
Keetman and the ringl+pit Studio. Other early
twentieth century figures featured include Hein-
rich Ku ̈hn, Hugo Erfurth, La ́szlo ́Moholy-Nagy,

Albert Renger-Patzsch, August Sander, and
Edward Steichen. Exhibition space consists of
two galleries that feature four to six exhibitions
each year.

Museum fu ̈r Kunst und Gewerbe, Fotosammlung,
The photography collection of one of Ger-
many’s most important general museums was
founded in 1900 and since 1987 has existed as an
independent space of the museum. One of the old-
est and most important collections in Europe, it
covers the history of photography from its begin-
nings to the present day. Highlights are the early
years of photography (with about 1,300 items), a
collection of historical cameras and photo-equip-
ment, art photography of around the turn of the
twentieth century (2,700 items of the Collection
Ernst-Wilhelm Juhl), photographers of theNeue
Sehen(New Vision) movement of the 1920s, Japa-
nese photography, and theSubjektive Fotografie
of postwar Germany, photojournalism, and con-
temporary trends. In recent years a particular col-
lecting focus has been fashion photography, with
the museum acquiring works by Irvin Penn and
others. The photo department holds also the com-
plete personal library and the archive of Fritz
Kempe, the Collection Willem Gru ̈tter, the estate
of Wilhelm Bandelow, the Foundation Mode Wel-
ten of F.C. Gundlach, and the foundation Ger-
hard Kerff. A supplementary photo-library with
more than 10,000 volumes is part of the museum
library. Since 1991 the Reinhart Wolf-Prize, given
by the Reinhart Wolf Foundation for young talent
exemplifying new tendencies in photography has
been administered by the museum. Forum Foto-
grafie, founded in 1994, is an exhibition space for
contemporary experimental photography.

Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg, Halle/Saale
The Staatliche is the leading museum of the
Sachsen-Anhalt region, housed in a former castle.
Photography was collected since the very begin-
nings of the museum in 1885 and the collection
stands at more than 50,000 items. Of particular
interest are the estates of the Swiss photographer
Hans Finsler, director of the photo-class at the
Hallesche Kunstschule at Burg Giebichenstein,
Halle, 1927–1932, donated in 1986, and Finsler’s
assistant, Gerda Leo. Other important areas of
collecting are Vanguard Photography of the
1920s and 1930s (Neue Sehen),EastGerman


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