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eleventh century until 1950. The result of the con-
solidation of two collections of early and modern art
in 1990, the photography department was begun in

  1. While the collecting of international art has
    begun, the strength of the museum is photography
    by Catalonians. The collection holds approximately
    1,200 photographs with concentrations by Joaquim
    Pla Janini, Josep Llado ́,JosepMasana,Emili
    Godes, Otho Lloyd, Oriol Maspons, Francesc Cat-
    ala`-Roca, Toni Catany, Joan Fontcuberta, Pere For-
    miguera, and Humberto Rivas. Two to three
    photography exhibitions are mounted each year.

Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno, Valencia
A museum devoted solely to modern and contem-
porary art, IVAM was founded in 1989. The IVAM
holds more than 2,000 photographs in two areas of
concentration: the master photographers of the
twentieth century such as Robert Frank, Walker
Evans, Bernard Plossu ́, Euge`ne Atget, Andre ́Ker-
te ́sz, Robert Capa, Weegee, and Gabriel Cuallado ́
and photography since the 1970s including Cindy
Sherman and Richard Prince. IVAM mounts tem-
porary exhibitions of photographers from the collec-
tion and contemporary developments.

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia ́,
A museum devoted to modern and contempor-
ary art under the ministry of culture of Spain,
MNCARS features a growing photography collec-
tion of approximately 1,000 examples of twentieth
century photography. Highlights of the collection
are the photographs taken by Dora Maar of the
process of the painting of Guernica by Pablo
Picasso on permanent display. The focus is on
contemporary Spanish and international photogra-
phy including Jean Marc Bustamante, Gu ̈nther
Fo ̈rg, Andreas Gursky, Axel Hu ̈tte, Thomas Ruff,
and Thomas Struth.


Moderna Museet, Fotografiska Museet, Stockholm
The Moderna Museet was founded in 1958 (new
building 1998), the photo museum as a department in

  1. The result of the integration of several holdings,
    including those brought together by the Fotografiska
    Museets Va ̈nner (Friends of the Museum of Photo-
    graphy; founded 1964) and the Helmut Gernsheim
    Collection and the Helmer Ba ̈ckstro ̈mhistoricalcol-

lection, the collection includes works from the 1840s
to the present day. Particularly rich in works by
Swedish Pictorialists, including John Hertzberg,
Henry B. Goodwin, Ferdinand Flodin, and Ture
Sellman. Altogether it comprises some 300,000 ob-
jects of international and Swedish photography.
Important Swedish photographers represented in-
clude Sten Didrik Bellander, Kerstin Bernhard,
Hans Hammarskio ̈ld, Hans Malmberg, Anders
Petersen, and Christer Stro ̈mholm. Other holdings
include collections of Svenska Fotografernas Fo ̈r-
bund (Swedish Photographer’s Association), Svenska
Turistfo ̈reningen (Swedish Tourist Club), Svenska
Turisttrafikfo ̈rbundet (Swedish Touristtraffic Asso-
ciation), Fotografiska fo ̈reningen (The Photographic
Society), Riksfo ̈rbundet Svensk Fotografi (National
Association of Swedish Photography), and the collec-
tion of Pressfotografernas Klubb (Pressphotogra-
pher’s Club). The museum also features a library of
approximately 20,000 volumes, a history archive with
12,000 items catalogued by Swedish and foreign
photographers, institutions, museums, galleries, exhi-
bitions and exhibition activities, and a conservation
workshop. Approximately five to ten exhibitions are
mounted each year.

Hasselblad Center, Go ̈teborg
The Erna and Victor Hasselblad Photography Cen-
ter, known as the Hasselblad Center, was established
in 1989 to promote scholarly research and education
in photography. The Center operates research pro-
jects, organizes seminars and lectures, has a library
and archives for students and researchers, and awards
a prestigious annual prize, The Hasselblad Founda-
tion International Award in Photography. The exhi-
bition hall of the Hasselblad Center is situated in the
Go ̈teborg Museum of Art where an average of six
exhibitions are mounted annually, with the work of
the Hasselblad Award winner shown in November
and December. The Center is also assembling a col-
lection that concentrates on the work of Nordic
photographers including Sune Jonsson, Christer
Stro ̈mholm; Stig T. Karlsson; Adriana Lestido; Pa ̊l-
Nils Nilsson and of Hasselblad Award winners Ernst
Haas, Edouard Boubat, Manuel Alvarez Bravo,
Robert Ha ̈usser, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Hiroshi
Hamaya, William Klein, Sebastia ̃o Salgado, Susan
Meiselas, and Boris Mikhailov. The Library contains
approximately 5,000 books, catalogues, and exhibi-
tion catalogues. It also holds a number of annual
volumes of different photographic magazines and a
clippings archive. In 1998, the Center acquired the
photography library of Rune Hassner. It is now

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