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ter of Photography Infinity Award, 1994; Camera Works
Grant, Erich Salomon Prize, 1995; International Center for
Photography Infinity Award, 1996; Grand Duchy of Lux-
emburg Conseil national de l’audiovisuel Mosaı ̈que Grant,

Individual Exhibitions

1984 Telex Persan; Galerie Magnum, Paris, France
1994 Farewell to Bosnia; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington,
D.C. and traveled to Fotomuseum Winterthur, Winterthur,
Switzerland; Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chi-
cago, Illinois; P.S. 1, New York, New York
1992 Power in the Blood: the North of Ireland; David Winton
Bell Gallery, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
1995 Farewell to Bosnia; Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloom-
field Hills, Michigan
The Silence; Museum of Modern Art, New York, New

Group Exhibitions

1976 Other Eye: an Exhibition of Photographs Taken in the
British Isles; Arts Council of Great Britain, London, England
1989 In Our Time: the World as Seen by Magnum Photogra-
phers; International Center of Photography, New York,
New York

1998 Le travail de me ́moire 1914–1998: Bosnia avant/apre`s
guerre; Parc de la Villette, Maison de la Villette, Paris,
1999 To the Rescue: 8 Artists in an Archive: Magdalena Aba-
kanovicz, Alan Berliner, Wendy Ewald, Leon Golub, Pepo ́n
Osorio, Gilles Peress, Fred Wilson, Terry Winter; Interna-
tional Center of Photography, New York, New York, and
traveled to Miami Art Museum, Miami, Florida; Contem-
porary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas

Selected Works
Cajamarca, Peru, 1991, 1991
Church at Nyarubuye, 1994
The remains of victims from the graves at Pilice Collective
Farm, 1996

Further Reading
Abrahams, Fred, Gilles Peress, and Eric Stover.A Village
Destroyed, May 14, 1999: War Crimes in Kosovo. Berke-
ley, CA: University of California Press, 2001.
Caujolle, Christian. ‘‘Gilles Peress.’’Libe ́rationno. 1073
(1 November 1984): 10.
Caujolle, Christian. ‘‘Un Franc ̧ ais en Perse.’’Libe ́rationno.
936 (25 May 1984): 31.

Gilles Peress, Sarajevo, Bosnia, 1996.
[#Gilles Peress/Magnum Photos]


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