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Seealso:Appropriation; Deconstruction; History of
Photography: the 1980s; Photographic ‘‘Truth’’;
Photographic Theory


Born in the Panama Canal Zone in 1949, Prince spent his
formative years in Florida. He moved to New York in
the early 1970s to work as a painter and was employed
by Time-Life publications, where he re-photographed
printed images to create new artwork. He has exhibited
at Documenta, the Sydney Biennial, the Whitney Bien-
nial, the Venice Biennale, the Museum of Modern Art,
the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, and the
New Museum, among other venues. His work can be
found in both major public and private collections. The
artist has also enjoyed an accomplished career as an
interviewer and writer for art magazines and journals.
He has also published a series of artists’ books. He lives
and works in New York.

Individual Exhibitions

1980 Artists Space; New York, New York
CEPA Gallery; Buffalo, New York
1981 Metro Pictures; New York, New York
1983 Le Nouveau Musee ́; Lyon, France Institute of Con-
temporary Art; London, England Baskerville + Wat-
son; New York, New York
1984 Riverside Studios; London, England
Feature; Chicago, Illinois
Baskerville + Watson; New York, New York
1985 International with Monument; New York, New York
1987 Galerie Isabella Kacprzak; Stuttgart, Germany
Centre National d’Art Contemporain de Grenoble
(MAGASIN); Grenoble, France
Tell Me Everything; One Times Square, New York,
New York, Spectacolor Lightboard installation, spon-
sored by The Public Art Fund, Inc., New York
1989 Spiritual America; IVAM Centre del Carme, Valencia,
1992 Richard Prince; Whitney Museum of American Art,
New York, New York
1993 Richard Prince: Fotos, Schilderijen, Objecten; Museum
Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; San Francisco,
Kunstverein and Kunsthalle; Dusseldorf, Germany
1994 Kestner Gesellschaft; Hannover, Germany
Museum Haus Lange/Museum Haus Esters; Krefeld,
White Cube; London, England
Cowboys and Cowgirls; Espace d’art Yvonamor Palix,
Paris, France
Richard Prince: 4 4 ; MAK Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Richard Prince: Upstate; MAK Center for Art and
Architecture, Schindler House, Los Angeles, California
2001 Kunsthalle Zurich; Zurich, Switzerland Neue Galerie
im Ho ̈hmann-haus; Augsburg, Germany Museum Fu ̈r
Gegenwartskunst; Basel, Switzerland

Group Exhibitions
1979 Pictures—Photographs; Castelli Graphics, New York,
New York
1980 Ils se disent peintres, ils se dissent photographes; ARC/
Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris; Metro Pic-
tures, New York, New York
1981 Body Language; Hayden Gallery, Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusets
1982 Image Scavengers; Institute of Contemporary Art,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Art and the Media; The Renaissance Society at the
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illnois
1983 Language, Drama, Source and Vision; The New
Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, New York
Biennale of Sao Paolo; Sao Paolo, Brazil
1984 New York: Ailleurs et Autrement; ARC/Musee d’Art
Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France
1985 Biennial Exhibition; Whitney Museum of American
Art, New York, New York
1986 Wien Fluss; Wiener Festwochen, Wiener Secession,
Vienna, Austria
1987 Photography and Art: Interactions since 1946; Los
Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, Califor-
nia, and traveling
1988 The Object of the Exhibition; Centre National des Arts
Plastiques, Paris, France
Reprises de Vues; Halle Sud, Geneva, Switzerland
1989 Wittgenstein The Play of the Unsayable; Paleis voor
Schone Kunsten, Brussels, Belgium
Image World Art and Media Culture; Whitney
Museum of American Art, New York, New York
A Forest of Signs: Art in the Crisis of Representation;
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Cali-
In Other Words: Wort und Schrift in Bildern der Kon-
zeptuellen Kunst; Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund, West
The Photography of Invention: American Pictures of
the 1980s; National Museum of American Art, Washing-
ton, D.C. and traveling
Photography Now; Victoria and Albert Museum, Lon-
don, England
1990 Word as Image: American Art 1960–1990;Milwaukee
Museum of Art, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and traveled to
Oklahoma City Arts Museum, Oklahoma City, Okla-
homa, and Contemporary Art Museum, Houston,
Images in Transition: Photographic Representation in
the Eighties; National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto,
Art et Publicite 1890–1990; Centre Georges Pompi-
dou, Paris, France
The Decade Show: Frameworks of Identity in the 80s;
The New Museum, New York, New York
1991 Metropolis; Walter-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany
1992 Documenta IX; Kassel, Germany
Knowledge: Aspects of Conceptual Art; University Art
Museum, Santa Barbara, California, and traveled to
Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, Califor-
nia; and North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh,
North Carolina


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