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film on Arnulf Rainer, 1984; International Center of
Photography Prize, New York, 1989; opening of Arnulf
Rainer Museum, New York, New York, 1993. Living and
working in Upper Austria, Bavaria and Vienna, Austria.

Individual Exhibitions

1951 Galerie Kleinmayr; Klagenfurt, Austria
1952 Galerie Franck; Frankfurt, Germany
1956 Kruzifikationen (Crucifixions); Galerie St. Stephan;
Vienna, Austria
1960 U ̈bermalungen (Overpaintings); Galerie St. Stephan;
Vienna, Austria
1968 Arnulf Rainer Retrospective; Museum des 20 Jahrhun-
derts; Vienna, Austria
1970 Face Farces 1965–1969; Kunstverein Freiburg; West Germany
1974 Gestische Handmalereien (Gestural Handpaintings);
Kunstverein Bremerhaven; West Germany
1975 Face Farces, Body Poses; Galerie Stadler; Paris, France
1976 Face Farces: Fotouebermalungen und Fotoueberzeich-
nungen (Photo-overpaintings and Photo-overdrawings)
1969–1976; New Gallery of the City of Linz; Austria
1977 Retrospective, Kunsthalle; Bern, Switzerland
Photoueberzeichnungen (photo-overdrawings) Franz Xaver
Messerschmidt; Kunstraum; Munich, West Germany
1978 Linguaggio del corpo, Koerpersprache, Body language;
Austrian Pavilion, Venice Biennale; Venice, Italy
Totenmasken (Death Masks); Austrian Gallery Belve-
dere; Vienna, Austria
1980 Retrospective; Nationalgalerie; Berlin, West Germany
1982 Hiroshima; Louisiana Museum of Modern Art; Hum-
lebaek, Denmark
Kruzifikationen 1951–1980; Suermondt Museum;
Aachen, Germany
1984 Face Farces and Gesichter mit Goya (Faces with Goya);
Kunstmuseum; Duesseldorf, West Germany
Mort et Sacrifice (Death and Sacrifice); Centre
Georges Pompidou; Paris, France
1985 Theater/Minetti; Nationalgalerie; Berlin, Germany.
1986 Arnulf Rainer: The Self-Portraits; Ritter Art Gallery,
Florida Atlantic University; Boca Raton, Florida
1989 Retrospective:Arnulf Rainer; Solomon R. Guggen-
heim; New York, New York
1990 Hommage aan Vincent Van Gogh; Bonnefanten Mu-
seum; Maastricht, Belgium
1993 Arnulf Rainer Museum; opened in New York, New York
1995 Katastrophen und Desaster (Catastrophies and Diasa-
sters); Nationalmuseum Cotroceni; Bukarest, Romania
1996 Natur—Mikrokosmos Makrokosmos; Kaertner Land-
esgalerie; Klagenfurt, Austria
2000 Arnulf Rainer: Gegen.Bilder: Retrospektive zum 70.
Geburtstag; Kunstforum; Vienna, Austria and Stedelijk
Museum; Amsterdam

Group Exhibitions

1951 Hundsgruppenaustellung (Group of the Dog); Institute
of Science and Art; Vienna, Austria
1953 German Graphic; Art Institute of Chicago; Chicago,
1959 Documenta 2; Kassel, West Germany.
1961 Austrian Art of 20th Century; Arts Council Gallery;
London, England

1962 Art from 1900 Until Today; Museum des 20 Jahrhun-
derts; Vienna, Austria
1971 Sa ̃oPaulo Biennale;Sa ̃o Paulo, Brazil
1973 Medium Photographie; Staedtisches Museum; Leverku-
sen, West Germany
Art From Photography; Kunstverien; Hannover, West
Koerpersprache/Bodylanguage; Steirischer Herbst;
Graz, Austria
1975 Bodyworks; Museum of Contemporary Art; Chicago,
1976 Identite’/Identifications; Centre d’Arts Plastiques Con-
temporains; Bordeaux, France
1977 Malerie und Photographie im Dialog (Painting and
Photography in Dialog); Kunsthaus; Zurich, Switzerland.
1978 Venice Biennale; Venice, Italy
1982 Documenta 7; Kassel, West Germany
1985 Das Selbstportrait im Zeitalter Photographie (The
Self-portrait in the Age of Photography); Muse ́e Canto-
nal des Beau-Arts; Lausanne, Switzerland
1987 Avant-garde in the Eighties; Los Angeles County
Museum of Art; Los Angeles, California
Berlinart 1961–87; Museum of Modern Art; New
York, New York
1988 The Seventh Biennale of Sydney; Art Gallery of New
South Wales; Sidney, Australia
1989 Bilderstreit; Museum Ludwig in den Rheinhallen der
Koelner Messe; West Germany
1990 Gegenwart Ewigkeit (Contemporary Eternity); Mar-
tin-Gropius Bau; Germany
1992 ‘A visage de’couvert; Fondation Cartier; Paris, France
Parallel Visions: Modern Artists and Outsider Art;De
Pont stichting voor hedendaagse kunst; Tilburg, Nether-
lands and Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Los
Angeles, California
1995 Views from Abroad—European Perspectives on American
Art; Whitney Museum of American Art; New York
Identita‘- Alterita’; Museo Correr; Venice, Italy
1996 Antagonismes; Centre national de la photographie;
Paris, France
1997 Alpenblick; Kunsthalle Wein; Vienna, Austria.
2000 Ich ist etwas anderes (I am something else); Kunst-
sammlung Nordrhein Westfalen; Du ̈sseldorf, Germany

Selected Works
Van Gogh, 1979/1980
Michelangelo, 1967
Angst (Portrait of the Artist), 1971
The Birth of an Artist, 1972
Die Rothaarige Reiterin, 1977
Hiroshima, 1982
Der von Fliegen Gequaelte (Messerschmidt-Ueberzeichnung),
Giottouebermalung, 1998
Vincent van Gogh als Blu ̈mler, 1979

Further Reading
Breicha, Otto, and Hubert Klocker, ed.Miteinander Zuei-
nander Gegeneinander Gemeinschaftsarbeiten o ̈sterrei-
chischer Ku ̈nstler und ihrer Freunde nach 1950 bis in die
achtziger Jahre.Klagenfurt: Ritter Verlag, 1992.

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