Board_Advisors_etc 3..5

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Beijing, 1965[antiques dealer], 1965
Beijing, 1965[divorce proceeding], 1965
Washington, 1967[girl with flower], 1967
India, 1971[refugee mother], 1971
Vietnam, 1976[steel mill], 1976
Shanghai, 1993[shopping street], 1993

Further Reading

Cojean, Annick.Marc Riboud: 50 Years of Photography.
Paris: Flammarion, 2004.
Devillers, Philippe.Face of North Vietnam.New York: Holt
Rinehart & Winston, 1970.
Miller, Russell.Magnum: Fifty Years at the Front Line of
History.London: Secker & Warburg, 1997; New York:
Grove Press, 1998.

Riboud, Marc.Angkor, se ́re ́nite ́bouddhiqueParis: Imprim-
erie nationale, 1992. asAngkor: The Serenity of Bud-
dhism, London and New York: Thames & Hudson,
Riboud, Marc.Huang ShanParis: Arthaud, 1989. AsCapi-
tal of Heaven, New York: Doubleday, 1990.
Riboud, Marc.Marc RiboudParis: Centre national de la
photographie, 1989. AsMarc Riboud, London: Thames
and Hudson, 1991.
Riboud, Marc.Marc Riboud: JournalParis: Denoe ̈l, 1986.
AsMarc Riboud: Photographs at Home and Abroad,
New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1988.
Riboud, Marc.Marc Riboud in China: Forty Years of
Photography, New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1997.



Leland Rice, a photographer largely associated
with California, is among a generation of Ame-
ricans who first received and benefited from a gra-
duate education in photography which included a
heightened awareness of the medium’s history. As is
typical of many of this generation, Rice is an edu-
cator as well as a photographer; he has lectured,
organized exhibitions, written about photography,
and collected photographs since the late 1960s.
Leland Rice was born on April 9, 1940 in Los
Angeles, California, where he grew up and attended
public schools. He attended Arizona State Univer-
sity at Tempe, where he played football. Although a
business major, he enrolled in a photography class
taught by Van Deren Coke and found his life’s
passion. After he was graduated from Arizona
State, Rice returned to Los Angeles and attended
Chouinard Art Institute for a year.
In the 1960s, there were limited opportunities for
a graduate education in photography, but Rice was
fortunate in that he moved north to enroll at San
Francisco State College, now University, where he
was able to study with Jack Welpott and Don
Worth, known for his technical skills and beautiful
horticultural photographs. Rice also studied with
Bay Area legends Ruth Bernhard, Paul Caponigro,
and Oliver Gagliani, known for his highly abs-

tracted landscapes, who formed a living bridge to
the area’s photographic history through figures
such as Ansel Adams and Edward Weston. During
graduate school, Rice and fellow graduate students
including Judy Dater, John Spence Weir, Harvey
Himelfarb, and others founded the Visual Dialogue
Foundation. Rice was graduated with an M.A.
degree in 1968, the same year VDF opened; Rice
served as its first president. The VDF evolved into
an informal group of Bay Area photographers who
promoted their photography through exhibitions,
the creation of a portfolio, and the expansion of the
parameters of photography beyond the canon of
Group f/64, which in the 1960s was still a dominant
force in the Bay Area. The Visual Dialogue Foun-
dation continued through 1972 when several of the
members left the area.
Even as he was finding his way as a photogra-
pher, Rice began his career as a highly respected
teacher. He first taught at the California College of
Arts and Crafts, Oakland, from 1969–1972, where
he established the photography program. During
the 1970s and 1980s, he taught at: the University of
California at Los Angeles, California; U.C.L.A.’s
Extension, Pomona; the Institute of the Arts, Va-
lencia, 1973; Pomona College, Claremont; Tyler
School of Art, Philadelphia; and the University of
Hartford, Connecticut. In addition, from 1973–
1979 he served as curator of the Photography Gal-

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