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Seealso:Magnum Photos; Photography in Af-
rica: An Overview; Photography in Africa: South
and Southern; Representation and Race


Born in Berlin, Germany, March 18, 1931. Attended
School for Optic and Phototechnic. Apprentice photo-
grapher for the German Press Agency, Hamburg. Immi-
grated to South Africa in 1950. Employed as sole
photographer forThe African Drum(later renamed
Drummagazine, based in Johannesburg, South Africa)

in 1951; asDrumexpanded became chief photographer,
picture editor, and headed photographic department;
trained severalDrumphotojournalists; freelanced for
Black Star agency (New York),Time Life, and The
German Press Agency. Relocated to London in 1964
as editor ofCreative Cameramagazine; shot on assign-
ment forThe Sunday Times(U.K.)The Observer(U.K.),
Time(U.S.),Die Zeit(Hamburg); taught photography
at Central School of Art & Design (London), 1972–
1979; The New School (New York), 1979; and Hoch
Kunst Schule, Hamburg, 1980–1981. Studied painting
in Spain. Returned to South Africa in 1985. Currently
lives in Johannesburg.

Ju ̈rgen Schadeberg, The Jazzomolos, 1953, Silver gelatin-toned archival print.
[Courtesy Axis Gallery, New York]


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