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1995 Projections; Ydessa Hendeles Art Foundation; Tor-
onto, Canada
1996 L’Informe: le Modernisme a Rebours; Centre Georges
Pompidou; Paris, France
Hall of Mirrors: Art and Film Since 1945; The
Museum of Contemporary Art; Los Angeles, California
(traveled to Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus,
Ohio; Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, Italy; Museum
of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois)
Biennale di Firenze; Florence, Italy
1997 Rrose Is a Rrose Is a Rrose: Gender Performance in Pho-
tography; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; New York
On the Edge: Contemporary Art from the Werner and
Elaine Dannheisser Collection; Museum of Modern Art;
New York
Von Beuys bis Cindy Sherman Sammlung Lothar Schir-
mer; Kunsthalle Bremen; Bremen, Germany
1998 Mirror Images: Women, Surrealism and Self-Represen-
tation; MIT List Visual Arts Center; Cambridge, Mas-
sachusetts (traveled to Miami Art Museum, Miami,
Florida; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San
Francisco, California)
1999 Gesammelte Werk 1: Zeitgeno ̈ssische Kunst seit 1968;
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg; Wolfsburg, Germany
Notorious; Museum of Modern Art; Oxford, England
The Time of Our Lives; New Museum of Contempor-
ary Art; New York
American Century; Whitney Museum of American
Art; New York
Der Anagrammatische Ko ̈rper; Jahresmuseum; Mu ̈rz-
zuschlang, Austria
Trienniale Exhibition: Sentiment of the Year 2000;
Trienniale di Milano; Italy
Regarding Beauty; Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture
Garden, Smithsonian Institution; Washington, D.C.

Selected Works

Untitled Film Stills, 1977–1980
Untitled, 1982
Untitled #137, 1984

Further Reading

Arenas, Amelia, Noriko Fuku, Chika Mori, Akio Obigane,
and Sachiko Osaki.Cindy Sherman. Shiga: Museum of
Modern Art, and Tokyo: Museum of Contemporary
Art, 1997.
Barents, Els.Cindy Sherman. Munich: Schiriner/Mosel, and
Amsterdam: The Stedelijk Museum, 1982.
Basualdo, Carlos.Cindy Sherman: The Self Which is Not One.
Sa ̃o Paulo: Museu de Arte Moderna de Sa ̃o Paulo, 1995.
Brehm, Margrit, Hal Foster, Verena Lueken, Peter Schjel-
dahl, and Betty van Qzirrel.Cindy Sherman. Rotterdam:
Museum Boijmans-van-Beuningen, 1996.

Bronfen, Elisabeth, Zdenek Felix, Martin Schwander, and
Ulf Erdmann Ziegler. Cindy Sherman: Photoarbeiten
1975–1995. Hamburg: Deichtorhallen; Malmo: Malmo
Konsthall; and Lucerne: Kunstmuseum Luzern, 1995.
Cruz, Amada, Amelia Jones, and Elizabeth A.T. Smith.
Cindy Sherman: Retrospective. Chicago: Museum of
Contemporary Art, and Los Angeles: Museum of Con-
temporary Art, 1997.
Danoff, I. Michael, and Peter Schjeldahl.Cindy Sherman.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1984.
Danto, Arthur. Untitled Film Stills: Cindy Sherman.
Munich: Schirmer Mosel; and New York: Rizzoli, 1990.
Kellein, Thomas.Cindy Sherman. Basel: Kunsthalle Basel;
and London: Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1991.
Krauss, Rosalind E. Cindy Sherman: 1975–1993. New
York: Rizzoli, 1993.
Scheps, Marc, and Katharina Schmidt.Cindy Sherman.
Cologne: Museum Ludwig, 1997.
Stockebrand, Marianne.Cindy Sherman. Munster: Westfa-
lischer Kunstverein, 1985.

Cindy Sherman, Untitled, #137, 1984, Chromogenic silver
print, Collection Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago,
Gerald S. Elliott Collection.
[Photograph#Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago,
courtesy of the artist and Metro Pictures]


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