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1987 Cross-References: Sculpture into Photography;The
Walker Art Center; Minneapolis, Minnesota and Museum
of Contemporary Art; Chicago, Illinois
1989 Fantasies, Fables and Fabrications; Delaware Art
Museum; Wilmington, Delaware and traveling
1989 Constructed Realities; Munich Kunstverein; Munich,
Germany and traveling
1993 Vivid: Intense Images by American Photographers;
Raab Galerie; Berlin, Germany and traveling
1994 An American Century of Photography: From Dry-plate
to Digital; Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art; Kansas City,
1995 The Photography of Invention: American Picture of the
Eighties; National Museum of American Art of the
Smithsonian Institute; Washington, D.C.; Museum of
Contemporary Art; Chicago, Illinois; and the Walker
Art Center; Minneapolis, Minnesota
1999 Almost Warm and Fuzzy: Childhood and Contemporary
Art; Des Moines Art Center; Des Moines, Iowa and
2001 Rags to Riches; Kresge Art Museum; East Lansing,
Michigan and traveling

Selected Works

Cookies on a Plate, 1978
Radioactive Cats, 1980
Revenge of the Goldfish, 1981
True Fiction(portfolio), 1986
The Cocktail Party, 1992
At the Shore, 1994
Squirrels at the Drive-In, 1996
The Cold War, 1999
Breathing Glass, 2000

Further Reading

DiGrappa, Carol. ‘‘Close Quarters: Photographs by Sandy
Skoglund.’’Camera Arts, vol. 1, no. 3 (May/June 1981):

Johnson, Chris, and Ted Hedgpeth. ‘‘Interview: Sandy Sko-
glund.’’San Fancisco Camerawork Quarterly, vol. 10,
no. 3 (Autumn 1983): 4–5+.
Roegiers, Patrick, ed.Sandy Skoglund. Barcelona: Funda-
cion La Caixa De Pensiones, 1992.
Levine, Abby, ed., and Sylvia Wolf.Focus: Five Women
Photographers: Julia Margaret Cameron/Margaret Bourke-
White/Flor Garduno/Sandy Skoglund/Lorna Simpson.
Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman and Co., 1994.
Karabinis, Paul.Telling Stories. Jacksonville, Florida: The
Jacksonville Museum of Contemporary Art, 1997.
Muniz, Vic.Making it Real. New York: Independent Cura-
tors Inc., 1997.
Morton, Robert, ed.Sandy Skoglund: Reality Under Siege:
A Retrospective. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1998.


Michael Snow works in a diversity of media that
characterises his career as an investigator of post-
modern perception that has been shaped in large
part, by photography (including film) and its
unique capacity to present information. The en-
during link has been notwhatis photographed,
painted, filmed, sculpted, or played (Snow is a
noted jazz trumpeter), but how, with the why lurk-
ing never far below the surface. Since 1961, Snow

has produced a number of photo works that
enquire specifically into the act of seeing and the
technologies of vision which have helped to define
the possibilities and limits of the camera, and of
art itself.
The diversity of Snow’s artistic output lends his
career an eccentric cast. While very well known as
an experimental filmmaker, he has also had an
impact on the development of contemporary art

Sandy Skoglund, Radioactive Cats, 1980. Original in color.
[#1980 Sandy Skoglund]

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