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1984 Still Living; Vu, Centre d’Animation et de Diffusion de
la Photographier; Quebec City, Quebec
1986 Visionary Apparatus; List Gallery; MIT, Cambridge,
The Spectral Image; Expo ‘86, Vancouver, British
1987 Still Life in 8 Calls; Mississauga Civic Centre Art
Gallery; Mississauga, Ontario
1988 Hara Museum of Contemporary Art; Tokyo, Japan
Michael Snow: (Thanks to Robert Crumb); Ruine der
Kunste; Berlin, Germany
1994 Embodied Vision; The Power Plant; Toronto, Ontario
Presence and Absence: The Films of Michael Snow;
The Art Gallery of Ontario; Toronto, Ontario
Around Wavelength; The Art Gallery of Ontario; Tor-
onto, Ontario
Exploring Plane and Contour; The Art Gallery of
Ontario; Toronto, Ontario
Walking Women Works; Art Gallery of Ontario; Tor-
onto, Ontario (traveled to the Art Gallery of Windsor,
Windsor, Ontario; Art Gallery of St. Thomas-Elgin, St.
Thomas, Ontario; Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Thunder
Bay, Ontario; Laurentian University Museum and Art
Centre, Sudbury, Ontario; Rodman Hall Arts Centre,
St. Catharines; McMaster University Art Gallery,
Hamilton, Ontario)
Light, Surface and Sound; Presentation House Gal-
lery; Vancouver, British Columbia
1998 Transparente ́; La Ferme du Buisson; Noisiel, France
Redifice; Centre Culturel Canadien; Paris, France

Selected Group Exhibitions

1957 Biennale of Canadian Painting; National Gallery of
Canada; Ottawa, Ontario
1958 Walker Art Center; Minneapolis, Minnesota
1959 Carnegie International; Carnegie Museum of Art;
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania (also 1964)
1964 Contemporary American Figure Painters;Wadsworth
Athenaeum; Hartford, Connecticut
1966 The Satirical in Art; York University, Toronto,
1967 The National Gallery of Canada Exhibition; Museum
of Modern Art; Paris, France
1968 Canada 101; Edinburgh Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland
1969 Anti-Illusion: Procedures and Materials; Whitney
Museum of American Art; New York, New York
Information; Museum of Modern Art; New York,
New York
1970 3-D Into the ‘70s; Art Gallery of Ontario; Toronto,
1977 Documenta; Kassel, Germany
1977 Another Dimension; National Gallery of Canada;
Ottawa, Ontario
1979 Re-Visions: Projects and Proposals in Film and Video;
Whitney Museum of American Art; New York, New
1984 Seeing People—Seeing Space; The Photographers’
Gallery; London, England
1985 Aurora Borealis; Centre International d’Art Contem-
porain de Montreal; Montreal, Quebec
1987 Toronto: Play of History; The Power Plant; Toronto,
Holography, Light in the Third Dimension; Ontario
Science Centre; Toronto, Ontario

Photographers Who Make Films; New York Univer-
sity Photo Centre Gallery; New York, New York
Photography and Art, 1984-86; Los Angeles County
Museum of Art; Los Angeles, California
1987 Snow/Weiner/Nannucci; Art Metropole; Toronto,
1988 Festival des Arts Electroniques de Rennes; Rennes,
France (traveled to Georges Pompidou Centre; Paris,
Images du Futur 88; Art et Nouvelles Technologies,
Montreal, Quebec
1988 Vanishing Presence; Walker Art Center; Minneapolis,
Minnesota (traveled to the Winnipeg Art Gallery, Win-
nipeg, Manitoba; Detroit Institute of Arts; High
Museum at Georgia-Pacific Center, Atlanta, Georgia;
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Rich-
mond, Virginia)
1990 Passages de l’image; Centre Georges Pompidou; Paris,
France (traveled to Barcelona, Spain; Toronto, Ontario;
Columbus, Ohio; San Francisco, California)
1993 Crisis of Abstraction; Muse ́e de Quebec; Quebec City,
Quebec (traveled to Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Sas-
katchewan; National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa,
Ontario; Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta; Art Gal-
lery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario)
1995 Reconsidering the Object of Art 1965–1975; Museum of
Contemporary Art; Los Angeles, California
1996 Walking and Thinking and Walking; Louisiana
Museum of Modern Art; Humlebaek, Denmark

Michael Snow, Still Living (94 Acts, Scene 1), 1982—
detail, Set of 9 pages, each 55.444.5 cm, each having 4
photos (36 photos total). Edition of 10, in collection of Art
Gallery of Ontario (Toronto) and National Gallery of
Canada (Ottawa), among others.
[Courtesy of the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University Art
Museums, Richard and Ronay Menschel Fund for the Acqui-
sition of Photographs. Allan Macintyre.#2004 President
and Fellows of Harvard College. Photo reproduced with per-
mission of the artist]


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