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Selected Group Exhibitions

1934 Groupe annuel des photographes(Annual Group of
Photographers); Galerie de la Ple ́iade; Paris, France
1935 La publicite ́par la photographie(Advertising through
Photography); Galerie de la Ple ́iade; Paris, France
1936 Exposition internationale de la photographie contem-
poraine(International Exhibition of Contemporary Pho-
tography); Muse ́e des Arts de ́coratifs (Pavillon de
Marsan); Paris, France
1938 Photos de neige(Snow Photographs); Au Grand Ate-
lier; Paris, France
1986 La Nouvelle Photographie en France, 1919–1939(New
Photography in France, 1919–1939); Muse ́e Sainte-Croix;
Poitiers, France
1987 Das verborgene Bild. Geschichte des ma ̈nnlichen Akts in
der Fotografie des 19 und 20 Jahrhunderts(The Secret
Picture. History of the Male Nude Photography of 19th
and 20th Centuries); Kunstverein; Frankfort-am-Main,
1989 Visions du sport, photographies 1860–1960(Visions of
Sports, Photographs 1860–1960); Centre national de la
Photographie; Paris, France, France
1991 Das Neue Sehen: von der Fotografie am Bauhaus zur
Subjektiven Fotografie(The New Vision: from Bauhaus to
Subjective Photography); Munich, Germany
1997 Anne ́es 30 en Europe. Le temps menac ̧ant, 1929–1939
(The 1930s in Europe. The threatening Times, 1929–
1930 ); Muse ́e d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris; Paris,
2001 Figures parfaites. Hommage a`Emmanuel Sougez(Per-
fect Figures. Homage to Emmanuel Sougez); Muse ́ede
Grenoble; Grenoble, Switzerland

Selected Works
Variation (I, II), 1930
Composition(series), 1932
Formes(series), 1932
Anamorphose(series), 1933
Le Cri(The Scream), 1933
Le Saut(The Jump), 1934
Match, 1937
La Danseuse (The Dancer) (Lisa Fonssagrives), 1939

Further Reading
45 nus d’Andre ́Steiner. Paris: Sun, 1947.
Domergue, Jean-Gabriel. Foreword.Etudes de nus(Nude
Studies). Paris: Tiranty, 1952.
Besson, George.Nus(Nudes). Paris: Braun, 1953.
Sougez Emmanuel. ‘‘Andre ́ Steiner, curieux homme’’
(‘‘Andre ́Steiner, curious Man’’).Camerano. 4, (April
1962): 6–34.
Gautrand, Jean-Claude.Visions du sport. Photographies 1860–
1960 (Visions of Sports, Photographs 1860–1960). Lyon,
France: Fondation nationale de la photographie, 1988.
Bouqueret, Christian.Des anne ́es folles aux anne ́es noires.
La Nouvelle Vision en France, 1920–1940(From Mad
Years to Dark Years. The New Vision in France, 1920–
1940 ). Paris: Marval, 1997.
Kincses, Karoly.Photographes Made in Hungary. Milan:
Motta/Actes Sud, 1998.
Bouqueret, Christian. Andre ́ Steiner. L’homme curieux
(Andre ́Steiner. The Curious Man). Paris: Marval, 1999.



Louis Stettner’s black-and-white photographs of
New York and Paris capture a poetic glimpse of
urban life and comprise his rich body of work that
spans over 60 years. Stettner emerged as an artist
during the late 1940s and 1950s, an era when post-
war American street photography was character-
ized by a psychological tone and aesthetic that
evoked the rhythms of the urban scene. Working
in the street photography tradition of his contem-
poraries Robert Doisneau, Louis Faurer, William
Klein, Saul Leiter, and Leon Levinstein, Stettner
roamed the streets, subways, train stations, parks,
and public spaces of New York and Paris in search
of life’s revealing moments. Stettner practiced what

he called ‘‘humanist realism,’’ photography that
sympathetically interpreted the spectacle of
humanity and the world around him.
Born in Brooklyn in 1922 to immigrant parents
from Ukraine, Stettner and his three brothers, one
his twin, were raised in Flatbush. Stettner began
photographing in 1936 when he was given a sim-
ple box camera. He augmented his amateur pic-
ture-making with regular Saturday visits to The
Metropolitan Museum of Art to study original
photographs by Alfred Stieglitz, Clarence White,
and Paul Strand. He also read back issues of
Stieglitz’s celebrated photography journalCamera
Workand visited his gallery, An American Place.
Stettner acquired his first serious camera, a large
wooden 6½8½-inch view camera, and in 1938

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