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Me ́tro, Teˆtes du Louvre,andMarche ́aux Puces.
Stettner also made bronze sculptures and assem-
blages of painting and photography. Stettner’s
photographs have been exhibited and collected
internationally, and are included in many promi-
nent American and French museums.

ElizabethK. Whiting

Seealso:Brassaı ̈; Doisneau, Robert; Faurer, Louis;
Grossman, Sid; History of Photography: Postwar
Era; Klein, William; Photo League; Strand, Paul;
Street Photography


Born in Brooklyn, New York, 7 November 1922. Attended
Abraham Lincoln High School, New York, 1938–1939;
enlisted in the U.S. Army military, military student engi-
neer, Princeton, University, New Jersey, 1940–1941;
combat photographer with US Infantry in the Pacific,
1942–1945; studied film at the Institut des Hautes E ́tudes
Cine ́matographiques (IDHEC), University of Paris,
1947–1949. Professor at Brooklyn College, Queens Col-
lege, and Cooper Union, New York, 1969–1973; Profes-
sor of art at C.W. Post Center, Long Island University,
1973–1979; Visiting Lecturer, International Center of
Photography, New York, and Bennington College, Ben-
nington, Vermont, 1976. Wrote ‘‘Speaking Out’’ (later
known as ‘‘A Humanist View’’), a monthly column of
photography criticism forCamera 35.Received a top
award fromLifemagazine in a young photographers
contest, 1950; Creative Photography fellowships in
Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, New York, 1956–1957; Crea-
tive Artists Public Service (CAPS) Grant for theWorkers
series, 1974; First Prize in the Pravda World Contest,

  1. Living in Saint-Ouen (near Paris), France.

Selected Individual Exhibitions

1954 Limelight Gallery; New York, New York
1958 E. Leitz Gallery; New York, New York
1959 Moderna Museet; Stockholm, Sweden
1964 Village Camera Club; New York, New York
1971 International Museum of Photography and Film,
George Eastman House; Rochester, New York
1974 Neikrug Gallery; New York, New York
1975 Gallery 1199; New York, New York
1979 Yellowstone Arts Center; Billings, Montana
1980 Milwaukee Center for Photography; Wisconsin
1982 The Photographers’ Gallery; London, England
1985 Centre de la Photographie; Geneva, Switzerland
1986 Photofind Gallery; New York, New York
1988 Comptoir de la Photographie; Paris, France
Kate Heller Gallery; London, England
Galerie Berenson; Berlin, Germany
1987 Galerie Agathe Gaillard; Paris, France
Vision Gallery; San Francisco, California
1992 Centre de le Photographie; Geneva, Switzerland
1996 Train of Thought; Bonni Benrubi Gallery; New York,
New York
1997 Suermondt-Ludwig Museum; Aachen, Germany

New York/Paris; Bonni Benrubi Gallery; New York,
New York
1999 Wisdom Cries Out in the Streets; Bonni Benrubi Gal-
lery; New York, New York

Selected Group Exhibitions
1949 Salon des Inde ́pendants; Bibliothe`que nationale de
France; Paris
1951 Subjektive Fotografie; Saabru ̈cken, Germany
2000 Photography in the Fine Arts; The Metropolitan
Museum of Art; New York, New York
1967 The Camera As Witness; International Exhibition of
Photography, Expo ’67; Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1973 Witkin Gallery; New York, New York
Die fotografische Sammlung; Museum Folkwang;
Essen, Germany
Subjective Photography: Images of the 50s; San Fran-
cisco Museum of Modern Art; San Francisco, Califor-
nia; traveled to University of Houston, Texas; Museum
Folkwang, Essen, Germany; Va ̈sterbottens Museum,
Umea ̊, Sweden; Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden; Saar-
land Museum, Saarbru ̈cken, Germany; Palais des
Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium
1985 City Lights; International Center of Photography;
New York, New York
1988 Master Photographs from Photography in Fine Arts
1959–67; International Center of Photography; New
York, New York
1990 American Photographs 1940–1990; Museum voor
Fotografie; Antwerp, Belgian
1994 84–94; Centre de la Photographie; Geneva, Switzerland
1996 Paris-Fotografien: Dick Arentz, Ilse Bing, Brassaı ̈,
Andre ́Kertesz, Inge Morath, Louis
Stettner, Sabine Weiss; Galerie Utermann; Dort-
mund, Germany
1997 City of Ambition; Whitney Museum of American Art;
New York, New York

Selected Works
Odd Man Out, Penn Station, New York, 1958
Avenue de Chatillon, Paris, 1947
Boulevard de Clichy, Paris, c. 1951
Manhattan from the Brooklyn Promenade, 1954
Madison Avenue, New York, 1954
Elbowying, Out of Town Newsstand, New York, 1954

Further Reading
Stettner, Louis.Wisdom Cries Out in the Street. Paris:
Flammarion, 1999.
Stettner, Louis.Louis Stettner. Introduction by Franc ̧ ois
Bernheim. Paris: Nathan, Collection Photo Poche, 1998.
Stettner, Louis.Louis Stettner’s New York 1950s–1990s.
Introduction by Barbara Einzig. New York: Rizzoli, 1996.
Stettner, Louis.Sous le ciel de Paris. Introduction by Fran-
c ̧ ois Cavanna. Paris: Parigramme, 1994.
Stettner, Louis.Early Joys: Photographs from 1947–1972.
Introduction by Brassaı ̈, New York: Janet Iffland Pub-
lisher, 1987.
Stettner, Louis. Sur le Tas. Introduction by Franc ̧ ois
Cavanna. Paris: Cercle d’Art, 1979.

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