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1970 Hans Bellmer; StedeliijkMuseum,Amsterdam,Nether-
1971 Hans Bellmer; Centre national d‘art contemporain,
Paris, France
1975 Hans Bellmer; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chi-
cago, Illinois
1983 Hans Bellmer Photographie; Centre Georges Pompi-
dou, Paris, France
1983 Bellmer Peintures Gouaches Collages; L’autre Muse ́e,
Paris, France

1984 Hans Bellmer Photographe; Kestner-Gesellschaft,
Hannover, Germany
1999 Hans Bellmer, Photographs and Drawings from the 30s;
Ubu Gallery, New York, New York; and Galerie Ber-
inson, Berlin, Germany
2001 Behind Closed Doors: The Art of Hans Bellmer; In-
ternational Center of Photography, New York, New

Hans Bellmer, The Joy of the Doll, Page No. 9 of the maquette. Photo: Philippe Migeat.
[CNAC/MNAM/Dist. Re ́union des Muse ́es Nationaux/Art Resource, New York]


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