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Seealso:History of Photography: Interwar Years;
Manipulation; Photogram; Photography in Germany
and Austria; Surrealism


Born Otto Umbehr, in Dusseldorf, Germany on 18 January,

  1. Attended school in Saarland, Stuttgart, Duisburg,
    Aachen, and Dusseldorf (Germany), 1908–1916. Active in
    the ‘‘Wandervogel’’ youth movement, 1916–1917. Worked
    as a miner in Essen, Germany; worked in a pottery
    belonging to Kuno Jaschinsky in Goslar, Germany,
    1920; actor during a German tour of Maria Heide’sMys-
    terienspiel; took sculpture courses from Muck Lamberty
    in Naumburg, Germany, 1921. Higher education at the
    Bauhausin Weimar under Johannes Itten, Walter Gro-
    pius, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, etc. October 1921–
    February 1923. Studied with Friedel Dicker and Franz
    Singer in theWerksta ̈tten Bildender Kunst(art work-
    shops), Berlin, for the theater of Berthold Viertel,
    1923–1924, where responsibilities included stage design.
    Assumed the pseudonym, Umbo, 1924. Worked as a
    building painter, movie theater placard painter, a clown,
    and a production and camera assistant on films under
    Kurt Bernhardt and Walter Ruttmann, 1923–1926. As a
    self-educated photographer he aquired photography and
    dark-room equipment, 1926. Under Paul Citroen’s sup-
    port, worked as an independent portrait photographer,
    1926–1928. Co-founder of and photographer for the
    photography agency, Dephot, 1928–1933. Thereafter, in-
    dependent photo journalist. Photography work for the
    Ullstein publishing house in Berlin, 1938–1943. Special
    reporter at ‘‘Signal,’’ 1940. Photography contracts for
    Ullstein in North Africa (1941) and Italy (1942). Soldier,
    1943–1945. Married Irmgard Hirz, 1943 (divorced, 1950);
    one daughter, Phyllis. Lost all archives in WWII. Moved
    to Hannover, Germany, 1945. Advertisement and indus-
    trial photographer; press photographer for the Hanno-
    verschen Presse. Employed at the magazinesDer Spiegel
    andPicture Post, 1947–1951. House photographer for the
    Kestner-Gesellschaft (Kestner Society) in Hannover,
    1948–1949. USA trip, 1952. Instructor of photography
    at theLandesversehrtenberufsschule(State vocational col-
    lege) in Bad Pyrmont, Germany, 1957–1972 and at
    schools of applied art in Hildesheim and Hannover (Ger-
    many), 1965–1974. Member of the ‘‘Gilde Deutscher
    Lichtbildner’’ (GDL) (Guild of German Photographers),
    1977–1980. Died in poverty in Hannover, Germany, on 13
    May, 1980.

Individual Exhibitions

1927 Umbo; (pub) ‘‘Die Lunte,’’ Berlin
1928 Umbo; (political cabaret) ‘‘Im Toppkeller,’’ Berlin
1976 Umbo; Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hannover, Germany
1979 Umbo-Fotografien von 1925 bis 1933; Galerie Spec-
trum, Hannover, Germany
1979 Umbo; Galerie Rudolf Kicken, Ko ̈ln, (mit Paul Citroe ̈n)
1981 Umbo; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, (wik Herbert
1987 Umbo(OttoUmbehr);GalerieFotohof, Salzburg,Germany
1995 Umbo—Vom Bauhaus zum Bildjournalismus; Bauhaus-
Archiv, Berlin
2000 Umbo; Galerie Rudolf Kicken, Berlin

Group Exhibitions
1928 Neue Wege der Photographie; Kunstverein Jena, Germany
1929 Film und Foto; Einzelpra ̈sentation:Umbo; Deutscher
Werkbund, Stuttgart, Germany
1929 Photographie der Gegenwart; Folkwang Museum Essen
1930 Das Lichtbild;Mu ̈nchner Bund, Munich, Germany
1932 Modern European Photography; Julien Levy Gallery,
New York, New York
1969 10 Photographen in Hannover; Galerie im Kubus, Hann-
over, Germany
1978 Das experimentelle Photo in Deutschland 1918–1940;
Galleria del Levante, Munich, Germany
1979 Dada-Fotografie und Fotocollage; Kestner-Gesellschaft,
Hannover, Germany
1979 Photographic Surrealism; New Gallery of Contempor-
ary Art, Cleveland, Ohio, and traveling
1980 Avant-Garde Photography in Germany 1919–1939; San
Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, Cali-
fornia, and traveling
1981 Germany: The New Vision; Fraenkel Gallery, San Fran-
cisco, California
1982 Lichtbildnisse: Das Portrait in der Fotografie;Rheinisches
Landesmuseum, Bonn, Germany
1983 Bauhausfotografie; Institut fu ̈r Auslandsbeziehungen,
Stuttgart, and traveling
1986 Photographie und Bauhaus; Kester-Gesellschaft Hann-
over, Germany
1987 Fotografie in der Weimarer Republik; Institut fu ̈r Aus-
landsbeziehungen, Stuttgart, Germany
1990 Fotografie am Bauhaus; Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin, and
1992 Photo-Sequenzen. Reportagen, Bildgeschichten und Ser-
ien aus dem Ullstein Bilderdienst von 1925 bis 1944;Haus
am Waldsee, Berlin, and traveling
1994 Ku ̈nstermitderKamera.PhotographiealsExperiment;Kunst-
verein Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Ludwigshafen, Germany
1998 Signaturen des Sichtbaren—Ein Jahrhundert der Foto-
grafie in Deutschland; Galerie am Fischmarkt, Erfurt,
Germany and traveling

Selected Works
Paul Citroe ̈n, um 1927
Simultanportrait Gaby Meyer, 1927
Ruth, 1927
Drei Mannequins, 1928/1929
Schaufensterpuppen, 1928/1929
Tra ̈umende, 1928/1929
Pantoffeln, 1928/1929
Menjou en gros, 1928/1929
Unheimliche Straße(series), 1929
Kragen, 1930
Akt, 1930
Junge Ma ̈dchen ohne Stellung. Gesichter aus einem Arbeit-
slager(series), 1933
Die Wolkenkamera sieht sich auf der Erde um(series), 1935

Further Reading
Auer, Barbara, ed.Ku ̈nster mit der Kamera. Photographie
als Experiment. Heidelberg: Kunstverein Ludwigshafen
am Rhein, 1994.
Auer, Miche`le, and Michel Auer.Encyclope ́die Internatio-
nale des Photographes de 1839 a`nos jours/Photographers

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