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Museum in Norfolk, Virginia. Uzzle has often col-
laborated at various venues with Leslie Fry, multi-
media artist sculpture, to exhibit his photographs
and her sculpture, including at the Allyn Gallup
Gallery in Sarasota, Florida. Uzzle described Fry
as a wonderful friend and great artist, who has
helped him shape his photographic aesthetic
(author interview).
From 1997 until the present, Uzzle worked as an
independent photographer based in St. Petersburg,
Florida, and has produced work forThe New York
Times Magazine,Fast Company,Fortune,Sports Illu-
strated,Newsweek,andUS News & World Report.
In 2004, Art Chicago presented the world pre-
miere of Uzzle’s large, nearly abstract panoramic
typologies of shredded papers from the waste bas-
kets of various professionals, including an accoun-
tant, a pornographer, a sculptor, and a dentist.
Uzzle continued to actively create and produce
photographs and prepare for upcoming exhibitions
and says, ‘‘Some who have seen what I am doing
lately say this is some of my best work ever’’
(author interview).
Outspoken, with a lively sense of humor and
straightforward opinions, Uzzle has written to the
director of photography ofNewsweek, expressing
discontent overNewsweek’sstandard day rate for
photographers, a rate he considered unfairly low
and which has not changed for over three decades.
Perhaps Uzzle can express his photographs, his
‘‘visual music’’ best:

America is my home; it’s what formed me, and it’s those
values I take every place I go. My life is a swirl of parts
that are both accidental/circumstantial and personally
controlled. I use them all: I put them together. They are
me, they are my pictures. My work is my visible love.

Seealso: Black Star; Life Magazine; Magnum


Born Raleigh, North Carolina, 4 August 1938; self taught in
photography; photojournalist for theRaleigh News and
Observer, 1955–1956; commercial photographer for Jay
Leviton of Leviton-Atlanta, Georgia; associated with
Black Star Agency of New York, 1957–1962; contracted
toLifemagazine, 1962–1968; member of Magnum Photos,
1967–1983; President, Magnum Photos 1979, 1980; inde-
pendent photographer, 1984–present day. Workshops: The
Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar, 1974; Page One Award,
Newspaper Guild of New York, 1970; National Endow-
ment for the Arts Photography Fellowship, 1975; Living in
St. Petersburg, Florida.

Selected Solo Exhibitions
1970 Typically American; International Center of Photogra-
phy, New York, New York
1971 Photographs by Burk Uzzle; Art Institute of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois
1973 Burk Uzzle; Witkin Gallery, New York, New York
1974 Burk Uzzle; Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, Ohio
Burk Uzzle; 831 Gallery, Birmingham, Michigan
1977 Burk Uzzle; Aperion Workshop, Millerton, New York,
traveling exhibition
Burk Uzzle; Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois
1979 Burk Uzzle; Gallerie Agathe Gaillard, Paris, France
Burk Uzzle; Gallerie Fiolet, Amsterdam, Holland
1980 News from Cambodia; International Center of Photo-
graphy, New York, New York
1984 All American; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania
1985 Burk Uzzle; The Ffoto Gallery, Cardiff, Wales
Burk Uzzle; Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool, England
Burk Uzzle; 253 Gallery, Norfolk, Virginia
1992 A Progress Report On Civilization: Burk Uzzle;TheChrys-
ler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Virginia
1994 Burk Uzzle, Three Decades of Photography; Inaugural Ex-
hibition, The Leica Gallery, New York, New York
Burk Uzzle, Recent Work; The Photography Gallery at
Drew University, Madison, New Jersey
1996 Correspondence Between Islands; Danforth Gallery, Port-
land, Maine
1998 Bike Week; Leica Gallery, New York, New York
Bike Week; Gallery Contempo, St. Augustine, Florida
2001 America in the Seventies; Bodo Nieman Gallery, Ber-
lin, Germany
2004 Burk Uzzle; Laurence Miller Gallery, New York, New York

Selected Group Exhibitions
1968 Photography 68; George Eastman House, Rochester,
New York
Recent Acquisitions; Museum of Modern Art, New
York, New York
1969 Spectrum One; Inaugural Exhibition, Witkin Gallery,
New York, New York
Recent Acquisitions; Museum of Modern Art, New
York, New York
1971 Contemporary Photographers;FoggArtMuseum,Har-
vard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1975 Impact of Design; Nikon House, New York, New York
1976 Festival d’Automne a Paris; Musee Galliera, Paris, France
1977 Burk Uzzle-Mary Ellen Mark; Hayden Gallery, Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Through Other Eyes; Arts Council of Great Britain,
London, England
1978 Contemporary Photographers; Stedelijk Museum, Ams-
terdam, The Netherlands
1979 Contemporary Photographers; Santa Barbara Museum
of Art, Santa Barbara, California
2002 Where We Live; The Selby Gallery, The Ringling
School of Art and Design, Sarasota, Florida
2003 Leslie Fry, Sculptor – Burk Uzzle, Photographer; Mira
Mar Gallery, Sarasota, Florida
Sacred Space: Angkor Wat in 19th and 20th Century
Photography; Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida


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