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versity of British Columbia in 1968, and an M.A. Art
History from the same institution in 1970. From 1970 to
1973, he pursued doctoral research at the Courtauld
Institute, University of London. Assistant Professor,
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, from 1974 to

  1. Associate Professor of the Centre for the Arts,
    Simon Fraser University, from 1976 to 1987. Associate
    Professor of Fine Arts at the University of British
    Columbia from 1987, and held the rank of Professor
    until he resigned in 1999. Accepted a senior position at
    the Kunstacademie in Dusseldorf, Germany. Exhibited
    extensively since 1969, and had his first solo show at
    Nova Gallery in Vancouver in 1978; associated with
    Galerie Jo ̈hnen & Scho ̈ttle, Cologne, 1986, and Marian
    Goodman Gallery, New York, 1989. Has been featured
    in key transcontinental contemporary art exhibitions,
    such asDocumenta Xin Kassel in 1997, the Sa ̃o Paulo
    Biennial in 1998, and the Sydney Biennial in 2000. In
    2001, Wall was awarded The Paul de Hueck and Nor-
    man Walford Career Achievement Award for Art

Individual Exhibitions

1978 Jeff Wall; Nova Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia
1979 Installation of Faking Death,The Destroyed Room,
Young Workers,Picture for Women; The Art Gallery of
Greater Vancouver, Vancouver, British Columbia
1982 Jeff Wall; David Bellman Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
1983 Jeff Wall; The Renaissance Society, University of
Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
1984 Jeff Wall: Transparencies; Institute of Contemporary
Arts, London, England; and Kunsthalle, Basel, Switzerland
1988 Jeff Wall; Le Nouveau Muse ́e, Villeurbanne, France
Jeff Wall; Westfalischer Kunstverein, Mu ̈nster, Ger-
1989–1990The Children’s Pavilion(a collaborative project
with Dan Graham); Marian Goodman Gallery, New
York, New York, and traveling
1990 Jeff Wall 1990; Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver,
British Columbia, and traveling
1991 Jeff Wall; San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art,
San Diego, California
1992 Jeff Wall; Louisiana Museum, Humlebaek, Denmark
Jeff Wall; Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium
1993 Jeff Wall; Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain,
Jouy-en-Josas, France
Jeff Wall; Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne, Switzer-
land, and traveling
1994 Jeff Wall; Stu ̈dtische Kunsthalle, Du ̈sseldorf, Ger-
Jeff Wall; The White Cube, London, England
Jeff Wall; De Pont Foundation for Contemporary
Art, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Jeff Wall; Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, Germany
Jeff Wall; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte, Reina
Sofia, Madrid, Spain
1995 Jeff Wall; Jeu de Paume, Paris, France
1995 Jeff Wall; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago,
1996 Jeff Wall: Landscapes; Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg,
Wolfsburg, Germany, and traveling

Jeff Wall; Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki,
1997 Jeff Wall; The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los
Angeles, California, and traveling
1998 Jeff Wall: Photographs of Modern Life; Museum fu ̈r
Gegenwartskunst, Basel, Switzerland
1998 Here and Now II: Jeff Wall; Henry Moore Institute,
Leeds, England
1999 Jeff Wall; Mies van der Rohe Foundation, Barcelona,
Jeff Wall: Oeuvres 1990–1998; Muse ́e d’Art Contem-
porain, Montreal, Quebec

Group Exhibitions
1969 557,087; Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, Washington
955,000; Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, British
Photo Show; S.U.B. Art Gallery, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
1970 3 to Infinity: New Multiple Art; Whitechapel Art Gal-
lery, London, England
Information; Museum of Modern Art, New York, New
Art in the Mind; Allen Memorial Art Museum, Ober-
lin College, Oberlin, Ohio
Four Artists: Tom Burrows, Duane Lunden, Jeff Wall,
Ian Wallace; Fine Arts Gallery, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver
1971 New Art; Prague, Czechoslovakia
45 30’ N - 7336’ W; Sir George Williams University
and the Saidye Bronfman Centre, Montreal, Quebec
1981 Westkunst: Zeitgeno ̈ssische Kunst seit 1939; Rheinhal-
len Messege ̈lande, Cologne, Germany
Directions 1981; Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture
Garden, Washington, D.C., and traveling
1982 Documenta 7; Museum Fridericanium, Kassel, Germany
1984 Difference: On Representation and Sexuality; New
Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, and traveling
1985 Rodney Graham, Ken Lum, Jeff Wall, Ian Wallace; 49th
Parallel Center for Contemporary Canadian Art, New
York, New York
Visual Facts: Photography and Video by Eight Artists
in Canada; Third Eye Centre, Glasgow, Scotland, and
La Nouvelle Biennale de Paris; Grand Halle du Parc de
la Villette, Paris, France
Aurora Borealis; Centre International d’Art Contem-
porain de Montre ́al, Montreal, Quebec
Gu ̈nther Fo ̈rg & Jeff Wall: Photoworks;Stedelijk
Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1987 Documenta 8, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, Ger-
1989 Tenir l’Image a`Distance; Muse ́e d’Art Contemporain,
Montreal, Quebec
What is Contemporary Art?; Rooseum, Malmo ̈, Sweden
Les Magiciens de la Terre; Centre Georges Pompidou/
La Grand Halle de la Villette, Paris, France
1990 Life Size: A Sense of the Real in Recent Art; The Israel
Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
Passages de l’image; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris,
France, and traveling


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