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1967 It’s All in the Mind; Carl Siembab Gallery, Boston,
1968 Sequence 16 / Sound of One Hand Clapping; John and
Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida
1970 Towards These...The Circle, The Square, The Triangle...
A Life in Photography on a Theme; Philadelphia Museum
of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and traveling
1975 U.S.I.A. Gallery; Paris, France, and traveling
1983 Jupiter Portfolio; San Antonio Museum of Art, San
Antonio, Texas

Selected Group Exhibitions

1941 Image and Freedom; Museum of Modern Art, New
York, New York
1953 How to Read a Photograph; San Francisco Museum of
Art Extension Division, San Francisco, California
1959 Photography at Mid-Century; George Eastman House,
Rochester, New York
1964 The Photographer’s Eye; Museum of Modern Art,
New York, New York
1967 Photography in the 20thCentury; National Gallery of
Canada, Ottawa, and traveling
1968 Light 7; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam-
bridge, Massachusetts
1975 The Land: 20thCentury Landscape Photographs Sel-
ected by Bill Brandt; Victoria and Albert Museum, Lon-
don, England, and traveling
1979 Photographie als Kunst 1879–1979, Kunst als Photo-
graphie 1949–1979; Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinan-
deum, Innsbruck, Austria, and traveling
1982 Target III: In Sequence; Museum of Fine Arts, Hous-
ton, Texas
1984 Subjektive Fotografie: Images of the 50s; San Francisco
Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California, and
1987 Photography and Art 1946–1986; Los Angeles County
Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California

Selected Works

Amputations, 1947
Song Without Words, 1948
Warehouse Area, San Francisco, 1949
Peeling Paint, 1959
Capitol Reef, Utah, 1962
Easter Sunday, Stony Brook State Park, 1963
Sand Dunes, Eel Creek, Oregon 1966, 1966
Sound of One Hand Clapping, 1968

Selected Publications

‘‘When is Photography Creative?’’American Photography.
37 (January 1943). Reprinted inExposure14 (October

‘‘What is Photography?’’Photo Notes(Spring 1948). Rep-
rinted inExposure, 14 (October 1976).
‘‘How to Find Your Own Approach to Photography.’’
American Photography45 (July 1951).
‘‘The Camera Mind and Eye.’’Magazine of Art45 (January
1952). Reprinted inPhotographers on Photography. Edi-
ted by Nathan Lyons. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-
Hall, 1966.
Exposure with the Zone System. New York: Morgan, 1956.
‘‘What is Meant by ‘Reading’ Photographs.’’Aperture5,
no. 2 (1957).
‘‘Editorial: To Recapture the Innocence of Vision.’’Aper-
ture6, no. 2 (1958).
‘‘The Way Through Camera Work.’’Aperture7, no. 2
Zone System Manual.New York: Morgan, 1961.
‘‘Equivalence: The Perennial Trend.’’PSA Journal29 (July
1963). Reprinted in
Photographers on Photography. Edited by Nathan Lyons.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966.
Light 7. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, 1968.
Mirrors Messages Manifestations. Millerton, NY: Aperture,

  1. Revised and enlarged edition, 1982.
    Be-ing Without Clothes.New York: Aperture, 1970.
    French Primitive Photography.New York: Aperture, 1970.
    1000 Photographers Doing Their Own Thing, 1974. Cam-
    bridge: MIT Creative Photography Gallery, 1974.
    ‘‘Silence of Seeing.’’ InOne Hundred Years of Photographic
    History. Edited by Van Deren Coke. Albuquerque: Uni-
    versity of New Mexico Press, 1975.
    The New Zone System Manual. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Morgan,

  2. Written with Richard Zakia and Peter Lorenz.

Further Reading
Baures, Mary. ‘‘Photography as Mysticism/Minor White.’’
Bosarts1 (January 1975). Reprinted as ‘‘Minor White
Portfolio.’’New Age Journal10 (January 1976).
Buerger, Janet E. ‘‘Minor White (1908–1976): The Signifi-
cance of Formal Quality in his Photographs.’’Image19,
no. 3 (1976).
Bunnell, Peter C., ed.The Eye that Shapes.New York:
Bulfinch Press, 1989.
Frandlich, Abe.Lives I’ve Never Lived: A Portrait of Minor
White. Cleveland, OH: Arc Press, 1983.
Harmel, Carole.Strategies of the Still: Minor White’s The-
ory of Reading the Photographic Image Extended and
Applied to Still Images in Experimental Film.Ph.D.
Diss. Northwestern University, 1982.
Kismaric, Carole, ed.Minor White: A Living Remembrance.
Special issue ofAperture95 (1984).
Porter, Allan. ‘‘Minor White.’’Camera51 (January 1972).
Sekula, Allan. ‘‘On the Invention of Photographic Mean-
ing.’’Artforum13 (January 1975).


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