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to Reed College, Portland, Oregon; Laguna Gloria Art
Museum, Austin, Texas; Florida International University,
Miami, Florida
1978 Garry Winogrand; Kline Common Gallery, Bard Col-
lege, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
1979 Garry Winogrand: Greece; Light Gallery, New York,
New York
Garry Winogrand: Texas and Greece; Orange Coast
College Gallery, Costa Mesa, California
1980 Garry Winogrand; Galerie de Photographie, Bibliothe- que nationale de Paris, France Garry Winogrand Retrospective; Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco, California Garry Winogrand; University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 1981 Garry Winogrand; The Burton Gallery of Photo- graphic Art, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1983 Garry Winogrand: Big Shots: Photographs of Celebrities, 1960–1980; Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco, California 1984 Garry Winogrand: Recent Work; The Houston Center for Photography, Houston, Texas Garry Winogrand: Photographs; Williams College Mu- seum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts 1986 Women Are Beautiful: A Portfolio of Photographs by Garry Winogrand; University Art Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 1988 Garry Winogrand; Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York, and traveled to Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; Carnegie Mellon University Art Gal- lery, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; The Museum of Contem- porary Art, Los Angeles, California; Archer M. Huntington Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, Texas; Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona; Hayward Gallery, London, England; Fundacio ́ Antoni Tapies, Barcelona, Spain; Centre
national de la photographie, Paris, France; Fotografische
Sammlung im Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
1994 Garry Winogrand: Into the Night (Unpublished Vintage
Prints, NYC, 1954); Bonni Benrubi Gallery, New York,
New York
1995 Women Are Beautiful: Photographs by Garry Wino-
grand; Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois
1999 The Man in the Crowd: The Uneasy Streets of Garry
Winogrand; Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco, California,
and traveled to Museum of Contemporary Photography,
Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; Photogra-
phers’ Gallery, London, England
2001 Winogrand’s Street Theater: Selections from the Garry
Winogrand Archive at the Center for Creative Photogra-
phy; 32es Rencontres Internationales de la Photogra-
phie, Arles, France
The Garry Winogrand Game of Photography: Part I,
The Known; Part II, The New; Center for Creative
Photography, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

Selected Group Exhibitions

1955 The Family of Man; Museum of Modern Art, New
York, New York
1963 Five Unrelated Photographers; Museum of Modern
Art, New York, New York
1966 Toward a Social Landscape; George Eastman House,
Rochester, New York

1967 New Documents; Museum of Modern Art, New York,
New York, and traveled to Goucher College, Towson,
Maryland; McMaster University, Connecticut; Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York; Krannert Art Museum,
Champaign, Illinois; Wesleyan University, Middletown,
Connecticut; Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hamp-
shire; University of Missouri
1968 Five Photographers: Eikoh Hosoe, Ralph Eugene Meat-
yard, Josef Sudek, Garry Winogrand, and John Wood;
Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Nebraska
1975 14 American Photographers; The Baltimore Museum
of Art, Baltimore, Maryland, and traveled to Newport
Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, California; La
Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, Califor-
nia; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota; The
Fort Worth Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas
1976 The Great American Rodeo; The Fort Worth Art Mu-
seum, Fort Worth, Texas
1978 Mirrors and Windows: American Photography since
1960 ; The Museum of Modern Art, New York, New
York, and traveled to Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleve-
land, Ohio; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota;
J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky; San Fran-
cisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California;
Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Cham-
paign, Illinois; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond,
Virginia; Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1979 Fleeting Gestures: Dance Photographs; International
Museum of Photography and Film, George Eastman
House, Rochester, New York
1980 Bruce Davidson and Garry Winogrand; Moderna
Museet/Fotografiska Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
1981 Central Park Photographs: Lee Friedlander, Tod Papa-
george, and Garry Winogrand; The Dairy in Central Park,
New York, New York
Garry Winogrand and Charles Swedlund; Film in the
Cities Gallery, St. Paul, Minnesota
1983 Masters of the Street: Henri Cartier-Bresson, Josef
Koudelka, Robert Frank, and Garry Winogrand; Museum
of Photographic Arts, San Diego, California
Available Light; The Museum of Contemporary Art,
Los Angeles, California
1985 American Images: Photography 1945–1980; Barbican
Art Gallery, London, England
1987 AmericanDreams;ReinaSofiaArtCenter,Madrid,Spain
1988 Women/Men: Photographs from the Seagram Collec-
tion; Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Inc., Executive
Offices, New York, New York
No Trumpets, No Swans: An Invitational Exhibition of
Photography; Pratt Manhattan Gallery, New York, New
York; and The Rubelle & Norman Schafler Gallery,
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York
1989 On The Art of Fixing a Shadow: One Hundred and Fifty
Years of Photography; National Gallery of Art, Washing-
ton, D.C., and Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois;
and traveled to Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los
Angeles, California
Picturing California: A Century of Photographic Gen-
ius; The Oakland Museum, Oakland, California
Decade by Decade: Twentieth-Century American Pho-
tography From the Collection of the Center for Creative
Photography; Center for Creative Photography, The
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

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