Board_Advisors_etc 3..5

(nextflipdebug2) #1
Lifemagazine, 2, 10, 952–955
Bischof’s assignment for, 134
Black Star and, 137
further reading, 955
Larry Burrows and, 186
Margaret Bourke-White and, 153
Robert Capa and, 238
Life-Video-Performance, 145
manipulation of, 7
most damaging type of, 316
Light control, 215, 216
exposure, 215
light meters, 215, 216
shutter and aperture, 216
Light graphics, 104
Light meters, 212, 215, 956, 957
different meters for different scenes, 957
further reading, 957
metering systems, 957
middle gray, 956, 957
sensors, 228
types, 856
Lighting and lighting equipment, 958, 959
direction of light, 959
key method of lighting, 959
light modifiers, 959
size of light source, 958, 959
Link, O. Winston, 960–962
American, 960, 961
biography, 961
further reading, 962
group exhibitions, 962
individual exhibitions, 961, 962
selected works, 962
Linked Ring, 290, 962–964
Clarence White and, 1679
further reading, 964
List, Herbert, 964–967
biography, 965, 966
further reading, 967
German, 964, 965
group exhibitions, 967
individual exhibitions, 966, 967
selected works, 967
Lithographic prints, African, 34
The Little Galleries of the Photo-Secession, 44
Live photography, important representatives of, 183
Logitech Fotoman, 219
Long, Richard, 967–971
biography, 969
British, 967–969
further reading, 971
group exhibitions, 971
individual exhibitions, 969–971
selected works, 971
Lookmagazine, 971–973
Lu ̈thi, Urs, 973–976
biography, 976
further reading, 976
group exhibitions, 975
individual exhibitions, 975
selected works, 975, 976
Swiss, 973–975
Lynes, George Platt, 977–980

American, 977, 978
biography, 978
further reading, 980
group exhibitions, 979
individual exhibitions, 978, 979
selected works, 978
Lyon, Danny, 980–982
American, 980–982
further reading, 982
Lyons, Nathan, 982–985
American, 982–984
biography, 984
further reading, 985
group exhibitions, 984, 985
individual exhibitions, 984
selected works, 985


Maar, Dora, 987–990
biography, 988–990
French, 987, 988
further reading, 990
group exhibitions, 990
individual exhibitions, 990
Machine Readable Cataloguing (MARC), 66
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie, 56
Macro lenses, 212
Macro-photography, cable release and, 196
Madame d’Ora, 990–993
Austrian, 990–992
biography, 992
exhibitions, 992
further reading, 992
selected works, 992
Magenta filter, 300
Magnetic Video Camera (Mavica), 219
Magnum Photos, 994–999
Eve Arnold and, 68, 69
exhibitions, 998
further reading, 998, 999
Henri Cartier-Bresson and, 248
members, 998
Rene ́Burri and, 183
Robert Capa and, 239
war photography and, 1639
Maison Europe ́enne de la Photographie, 999, 1000
collection, 999
films and videos, 1000
other activities, 1000
Rome`o Martinez Library, 999, 1000
Mamiyaflex camera, 53
Man Ray, 56, 78, 80, 1000–1003
American, 1000, 1001
Berenice Abbott and, 1
biography, 1002
constructed reality and, 321
further reading, 1002
group exhibitions, 1002
individual exhibitions, 1002
Maurice Tabard and, 1530
Raoul Ubac and, 1567
selected works, 1002
virtual reality and, 1621


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