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(nextflipdebug2) #1
Shibata, Toshio (Continued)
individual exhibitions, 1424
Japanese, 1423, 1424
selected works, 1425
Shore, Stephen, 1425–1428
American, 1425, 1426
biography, 1426, 1427
further reading, 1428
group exhibitions, 1427
individual exhibitions, 1427
selected works, 1427
definition of, 211
focal plane, 216
ultra-fast miniaturized, 1701
Shutter speed(s), 211
aperture and, 216
film speed and, 212
long, 211
time exposure and, 1544
Sierra Club, Ansel Adams and, 9
Simple camera, 214
Simpson, Lorna, 1428–1431
American, 1428, 1429
biography, 1429
further reading, 1431
group exhibitions, 1430, 1431
individual exhibitions, 1429
selected works, 1431
Singh, Raghubir, 1431–1434
biography, 1434
further reading, 1434
Indian, 1431–1434
selected works, 1434
Single-lens-reflex (SLR), 210, 211, 215, 219
advantage of over point-and-shoot cameras, 211
folding, 222
incorporated viewfinder, 211
integrated motor drive, 211
metering choices, 213
point-and-shoot cameras and, 227
Siskind, Aaron, 1434–1438
American, 1434–1437
biography, 1437
Center for Creative Photography and, 253
further reading, 1438
group exhibitions, 1438
individual exhibitions, 1437, 1438
selected works, 1438
Skoglund, Sandy, 1439–1441
American, 1439, 1440
biography, 1440
further reading, 1441
group exhibitions, 1440, 1441
individual exhibitions, 1440
selected works, 1441
Skyscrapers, vantage points offered by, 22
Slide film, overexposure of, 301
Snapshot aesthetic, 51
Snow, Michael, 1441–1445
biography, 1443
Canadian, 1441–1443
further reading, 1445
group exhibitions, 1443–1445

individual exhibitions, 1443
selected works, 1445
Snowdon (Anthony Armstrong-Jones), 1445–1447
biography, 1446, 1447
British, 1445, 1446
further reading, 1447
Social activism, architectural photography and, 59
Socialist photography, 1452–1458
aesthetic and ideological conflicts, 1454–1456
codification of socialist realism, 1456–1458
further reading, 1458
Socialist Realist photography, 42
Social landscape photography, 51
Social representation, 1447–1451
Social Sculpture, Joseph Beuys and, 125
Society of American Archivists, 65
Solarization, 1459, 1460
Edmund Teske and, 1535
Francis Joseph Bruguie`re and, 176
further reading, 1460
virtual reality and, 1621
Solomon-Godeau, Abigail, 1461, 1462
American, 1461, 1462
biography, 1462
further reading, 1462
Sommer, Frederick, 1463–1466
American, 1463, 1464
biography, 1464
Center for Creative Photography and, 253
further reading, 1466
group exhibitions, 1465
individual exhibitions, 1464, 1465
selected works, 1465, 1466
Sontag, Susan, 1466, 1467
American, 1466, 1467
biography, 1467
further reading, 1467
South Africa,seeAfrica, South and Southern
South America, 1468–1473
Argentina, 1469
Bolivia, 1469, 1470
Brazil, 1470
Chile, 1470, 1471
Colombia, 1471
Ecuador, 1471
further reading, 1473
Peru ́, 1471, 1472
Uruguay, 1472
Venezuela, 1472–1374
websites, 1473
Southern Africa,seeAfrica, South and Southern
Soviet industry and ideology, record of, 42
Space, cubist diffraction of, 6
Spain and Portugal, 1474–1477
further reading, 1478
Portugal, 1476–1478
Spain, 1474–1476
Spectroscopy, 76
Spence, Jo, 1478–1480
biography, 1479, 1480
British, 1478, 1479
further reading, 1480
group exhibitions, 1480
individual exhibitions, 1480
selected works, 1480


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