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Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography (Continued)
Image & Technology Gallery, 1545
inaugural exhibition, 1545
one-person exhibitions, 1546
opening of, 1546
Ordinance of, 1544
retrospectives, 1545
Shashin-Geijyutsu-Sha, 1545
size of, 1545
W. Eugene Smith photographs, 1545, 1546
Tomb of Tutankhamen, discoverers of, 33
Toning, 1546, 1547
archival qualities of, 1547
direct toners, 1547
further reading, 1547
gelatin silver papers, 1546
gold chloride, 1546
idealistic Impressionism, 1547
image bleaching, 1547
methods of, 1546, 1547
multiple toning, 1547
nostalgia, 1546
Orotone process, 1546, 1547
photographers who popularized toning, 1547
photogravure, 1546
romanticism, 1547
silver prints, 1546
straight photography, 1547
Tosani, Patrick, 1548–1550
biography, 1549
blow-ups, 1548
body pictures, 1549
Braille, 1548
creation of fictional narrative, 1548
cropped framing, 1548
French, 1548, 1549
further reading, 1550
group exhibitions, 1550
individual exhibitions, 1549, 1550
inherent paradoxes of photographic image, 1548
Les masques, 1549
model’s identity, 1548, 1549
Niveaux, 1548
Portraits, 1548
rain as sculpture, 1548
reflections about appearance and surfaces, 1548
selected works, 1550
serial practice, 1548
Teˆtes, 1548
white background, 1549
Toscani, Oliviero, 1550–1553
advertising campaigns, 1550
agency images from Magnum and Sygma, 1551
awards, 1552
biography, 1552
Colors, 1552
Contrasts in Black & White, 1551
ethical messages, 1551
Fabrica, 1552
fashion photographer, 1550
international exhibition of contemporary art, 1552
Italian, 1550–1552
lifestyle advertising, 1552
political meaning, 1551
prejudices, 1551

spare presentation, 1550
United Colors of Benetton, 1551
volatile topics, 1551
world-wide reputation, 1550
Traub, Charles, 1554–1556
abstraction, 1554
absurdities of everyday life, 1555
Beachphotographs, 1554
biography, 1556
chance encounters, 1554
enduring legacy, 1555
fly on the wall quality, 1555
further reading, 1556
group exhibitions, 1556
individual exhibitions, 1556
Institute of Design, 1554
intrusion of camera, 1554
juxtaposition of photographic image and text, 1555
magazines, 1555
selected works, 1556
technology-based writings, 1555
verbal-visual poetry, 1555
voyeuristic implications, 1554
Tripods, 213
Tseng Kwong Chi, 1557–1560
American, 1557, 1558
artist’s identity as foreigner, 1558
biography, 1558
Disneyland, California, 1557
documenting chalk drawings, 1557, 1558
East Meets West, 1557
The Expeditionary Series, 1558
further reading, 1560
group exhibitions, 1558, 1559
individual exhibitions, 1558
international travel, 1557
Keith Haring and, 1557, 1558
Maoist uniform, 1558
mature artistic identity, 1557
national identity, 1558
order and control of characters, 1557
selected works, 1560
self-portraiture, 1557
Whitney Biennial, 1558
Tungsten film, 299
Turbeville, Deborah, 1560–1562
American, 1560, 1561
biography, 1561
books published, 1561
camera choices, 1560
Claus von Bulow book review, 1561
controversial fashion images, 1560
creation of mood, 1560
experimentation, 1560
Fulbright scholarship, 1561
further reading, 1562
group exhibitions, 1562
images out of focus, 1560
individual exhibitions, 1561, 1562
Jacqueline Onassis and, 1561
Maquillage, 1561
narrative inspiration, 1560
selected works, 1562
unorthodox exhibitions, 1561


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