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elaborate, abstract sets by the artist Enrico Pram-
polini. Despite the originality of Prampolini’s sets
and Bragaglia’s compositions, the film shared little
with the theories ofFotodinamismoor Futurism.
Anton Giulio’s exclusive engagement with the
cinema was short-lived, in any case.
The trajectory of his career reveals the promi-
nence of photography not only as an aesthetic end
in its own right, but also as a supplement to and
document of avant-garde performance and experi-
mentation. After founding the Casa d’Arte Braga-
glia in Rome in 1918, as well as his own theater
company in 1922, Anton Giulio dedicated himself
to exhibition promotion, set design, theater produc-
tion, and continued photographic experiments with
Fotodinamismo.A tireless writer, hewrote numerous
theoretical tracts on the theater and photography
throughout the 1920s and 1930s, while participating
in many collective exhibitions of Futurist photogra-
phy. Bragaglia died in Rome in 1960.

AraH. Merjian

Seealso:Futurism; History of Photography: Twen-
tieth-Century Pioneers; Image Theory: Ideology


Born in Frosinone, Italy, 11 February 1890. Published the
essayFotodinamismo futurista(originally written 1911) on
1 July 1913; published an early book of Futurist photo-
graphs, June 1913; publishedNuova Archeologia romana
with Arturo, 1915; founded his own film company, La
Novissima, and directed the filmsThaı ̈s, Il perfido incanto
(Wicked Enchantment), andIl mio cadavere(My Corpse),
and Dramma in Olimpo(Drama in Olympus), 1916;
founded the Casa d’Arte Bragaglia in Rome, 1918;
founded the Teatro degli Independenti in Rome, 1922,
which he directed until 1936; directed the Teatro delle
Arti in Rome until 1943. Died in Rome, 15 July 1960.

Group Exhibitions

1918 Fotoritratti d’arte; Casa d’Arte Bragaglia, Rome, Italy
1923 Prima Esposizione Internazionale di Fotografia, Ottica,
e Cinematografia; Turin, Italy
1925 Primo Salon Italiano d’Arte Fotografica Internazionale;
Turin, Italy
1928 Esposizione di Scenografia Cinematografica; Casa
d’Arte Bragaglia, Rome, Italy
1930 Primo Concorso Fotografico Nazionale di Roma;
Rome, Italy
1931 Mostra Sperimentale di Fotografia Futurista; Turin, Italy

1931 Prima Mostra Fotografica Internazionale; Milan, Italy
1932 Mostra Fotografica Futurista di Trieste; Trieste, Italy
1932 Prima Biennale Internazionale d’Arte Fotografica;
Rome, Italy
1933 Sezione Fotografica della Grande Mostra Nazionale
Futurista di Roma; Rome, Italy
1932 Prima Grande Mostra Nazionale Futurista; Rome,
1981 Photographie Futuriste Italienne; Muse ́e de la Ville,
Paris, France
1984 Fotografia Futurista Italiana; Museo de Bellas Artes,
Bilbao, Spain
1984 Futurism and Photography; Hillwood Art Gallery,
Long Island University, New York
1985 I Futuristi e la fotografia: creazione fotografica imma-
gine quotidiana; Museo Civico d’Arte Contemporanea
2001 Futurism and Photography; Estorick Collection of
Modern Italian Art, London, England

Selected Works
The Greeting, 1911
The Slap, 1912
The Violincello Player, 1913
The Smoker, 1913
Carpenter Sawing, 1913
Self-portrait, 1913
A Step Forward, 1928
Polyphysiognomic portrait, 1930
Self-caricature, 1932

Further Reading
Bragaglia, Anton Giulio. ‘‘Futurist Photodynamism.’’ In
Futurist Manifestos Umberto Apollonio, ed. New
York: The Viking Press, 1970.
Bragaglia, Anton Giulio.Fotodinamismo Futurista. Turin:
Enaudi, 1970.
Bragaglia, Arturo. ‘‘La Fotografia Futurista.’’FuturismoI,
no. 7 (23 October 1932).
Celant, Germano. ‘‘Futurism and the Occult.’’Artforumno.
5 (January 1981).
Hulten, Pontus, ed.Futurismo & Futurismi. Milan: Bom-
piani, 1986.
Lista, Giovanni.Futurism and Photography. London: Mer-
rell Publishers Ltd., 2001.
Lista, Giovanni. ‘‘Cinema Futurista.’’ InA nuova luce:
cinema muto italiano. Bologna: Edizioni Clueb, 2000.
Lista, Giovanni. Fotografia Futurista Italiana. Bilbao,
Spain: Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, 1984.
Scharf, Aaron. ‘‘Marey and Chronophotography.’’ and ‘‘A
Note on Photography and Futurism.’’Artforumvol. xv,
no. 1 (January 1976).
Scime ́, Giuliana, ed.Il laboratorio dei Bragaglia 1911/1932.
Ravenna: Editoriale Essegi, 1986.

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