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Paris tendresse; Galerie de la FNAC; Paris
1993 Brassaı ̈; Centre national de la photographie; Paris
Brassaı ̈: del Surrealismo al informalismo; Fundacio ́
Antoni Tapies; Barcelona
1998 Brassaı ̈and Company; Art Institute of Chicago, Chi-
cago, Illinois
Brassaı ̈: The Eye of Paris; The Museum of Fine Arts;
Houston (traveled to The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los
Angeles; The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.)

Group Exhibitions

1931 Photographes d’aujourd’hui; Libraire-Galerie de la
Plume d’Or, Paris, France
1932 Modern European Photographers; Julien Levy Gallery,
New York, New York
1933 Groupe annuel des photographesGalerie de la Ple ́iade,
Paris, France
Exposition internationale de photographie, Palais des
Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium
1935 La photographie contemporaine international, Muse ́e
Rath, Geneva, Switzerland
1936 Exposition internationale de la photographie, Muse ́e
des Arts De ́coratifs, Pavillon de Marsan, Paris, France
1937 Photography 1839-1937;Museum of Modern Art,
New York, New York
1948 French Photographers; The Photo-League, New York
Troisieme Salon national de la photographe;Bibliothe-
que nationale de France, Paris
1951 Five French Photographers; Museum of Modern Art,
New York, New York
1953 Post-war European Photography; Museum of Modern
Art, New York, New York
1959 Photography at Mid-century, George Eastman House,
Rochester, New York
1964 The Photographer’s Eye; Museum of Modern Art,
New York, New York
1976 One Hundred Master Photographs; Museum of Mod-
ern Art, New York, New York
1977 Documenta6; MuseumFridericianum,Kassel,Germany
1980 Photographic Surrealism; Brooklyn Museum of Art,
New York
Les realisms 1919-1939; Centre Georges Pompidou,
Paris, France
1981 Paris-Paris: creation en France 1937-1957; Centre
Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
1982 Counterparts. Form and Emotion in Photography. The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
1985 L’amour fou. Photography and Surrealism; Corcoran
Gallery of Art; Washington, D.C. (traveled to Centre
Georges Pompidou, Paris, France)
1987 Regards sur Minotaure;Muse ́e Rath, Geneva, Switzerland
L’oeil du Minotaure, Ubac, Brassaı ̈, Alvarez-Bravo,
Bellmer, Man Ray; Galerie Sonia Zanettacci, Geneva,
1988 Une exposition de photographie franc ̧aise a`New York;
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
1989 The New VisionL Photography between the World
Wars; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New
1997 Le Paris des photographes; Bunkamura, Tokyo, and
Suntory Museum, Osaka, Japan

Selected Works
Place de la Concorde on a Rainy Day, 1928
Self-Portrait in an Opium Den, c. 1931
Backstage at the Folies-Berge`re, 1932
Girl Playing Snooker, Montmartre, 1932
Large-Scale Object: Cotton, 1932
Lovers in a Cafe ́, 1932
La Mo ́me Bijou(alternate title:Bijoux of Montmarte), 1932
Le Viaduc d’Auteuil, c. 1932
Chez ‘‘Suzy’’, 1932–1933
Graffiti, c. 1933
Pharmacy, Beaune Hospital, France, 1951

Further Reading
Brassaı ̈.The Artists of My Life. New York: Viking Press,
and London: Thames & Hudson, 1982; asLes Artistes de
ma vie, Paris: Denoe ̈l, 1982.
———.Conversations avec Picasso. Paris: Gallimard, 1964,
1969, 1987, 1997; as Conversaciones con Picasso,
Madrid: Aguilar, 1966; asPicasso and Company, preface
by Henry Miller, introduction by Roland Penrose, Gar-
den City and New York: Doubleday, 1966; asPicasso &
Co., London: Thames & Hudson, 1967; asConversations
with Picasso, preface by Henry Miller, introduction by
Pierre Daix, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Brassaı ̈and Henry Miller.Histoire de Marie. Paris: E ́ditions
du Pont du Jour, 1949. Arles: Actes Sud, 1997.
———.Henry Miller: the Paris Years. trans. by Timothy
Bent, New York: Arcade Publishers, 1995.
Brassaı ̈and Pablo Picasso.Graffiti. Stuttgart: Belser Verlag,
1960; Paris: Les E ́ditions du Temps, 1961; preface by
Gilberte Brassaı ̈, Paris: Flammarion, 1993.Letters to
My Parents. trans. by Peter Laki and Barna Kantor.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
———.Marcel Proust sous l’emprise de la photographie.
Paris: Gallimard, 1997.
Brassaı ̈and Paul Morand.Paris de nuit.E ́ditions Arts et
Me ́tiers Graphiques, Paris 1933; asParis after Dark,
London: Batsford Gallery,1933; Nachtliches Paris,
Munich: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag, 1979; Paris: Flamma-
rion, and London: Thames & Hudson, 1987; asParis by
Night, New York: Pantheon Books, 1987;Paris de nuit,
Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo, 1987.
———.Le Paris secret des anne ́es 30. Paris: Gallimard,
1976; asThe Secret Paris of the 30’s, London: Thames
& Hudson, and New York: Pantheon Books, and Frank-
furt: S. Fischer, 1976; Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo, 1977.
Berman, Avis.Smithsonian, 30, no. 7 (October 1999).
de Montherlant, Henry, D. Aubier, and Brassaı ̈.Se ́ville en
feˆte;asFest in Seville, Feldafing: Buchheim-Verlag, 1954;
asFiesta in Seville, London: Thames & Hudson, and
New York: The Studio and Thomas Y. Crowell, 1956.
Durrell, John and John Szarkowski.Brassaı ̈. New York:
Museum of Modern Art, 1968.
Sayag, Alain and Annick Lionel-Marie, eds.Brassaı ̈. Bos-
ton: Bulfinch Press, 2000.
Tucker, Anne Wilkes.Brassaı ̈: The Eye of Paris. Houston:
Museum of Fine Arts, 1999.
Walker, Ian.City Gorged with Dreams: Surrealism and Doc-
umentary Photography in Interwar Paris. Manchester:
Manchester University Press, 2000.

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