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internment on November 18, 1940 and emigrated
to New York, finally ending his long flight from
National Socialism.
In the United States Breitenbach worked for a
number of magazines including Fortune under
Walker Evans. The painter Josef Albers invited
him to teach at the short-lived but now legendary
Black Mountain College, North Carolina, in 1944.
Later, he would teach at both the New School for
Social Research and Cooper Union in New York,
retiring from teaching finally in 1975. He created his
last major body of work in Asia on intermittent
trips from teaching and under the auspices of the
United Nations. After his death in 1984, his archive
was donated to the Center for Creative Photogra-
phy in Tucson, Arizona.


Seealso:History of Photography: Interwar Years;
Manipulation; Photogram; Portraiture


(modern high school), graduates in 1912. Completed a
commercial apprenticeship, but self-educated in photo-
graphy. Drafted in early 1916. Active in the November
Revolution, 1918; Member of the ‘‘Provisional Central
Workers’ Council.’’ Diplomatic courier for the Bavarian
embassy in Switzerland, 1918. Photographic excursions
through Central Europe’s wine regions, 1920s. Gold
medal at the Milan Photography Competition, 1928.
Opens his own photographic studio, 1932. Works as
stage photographer for the Munchener Kammerspiele
(Munich Studio Theater), 1932. Registered as a photo-
graphic studio in Paris in September 1934, elected member
oftheSocie ́te ́Franc ̧ aisedelaPhotographiein1938andthe
Royal Photographic Society of London in 1939. Interned
by the French authorities, September 1939; accepted as
voluntary ‘‘Prestataires,’’ 30 May, 1940. Immigrates to
United States, 1941; becomes U.S. citizen 1946. Works
for various magazines in New York, early 1940s. Serves
as chief of still photography, United Nations Reconstruc-
tion Agency, Korea, 1952–1953. Teaches at Black Moun-
tain College, 1944, at both the Cooper Union, 1946–1966
and New School for Social Research, 1949–1975. Died in
New York on 7 October, 1984.

Individual Exhibitions

1934 Portraits, Paysages, Theatre; Galerie de la Ple ́iade,
Paris, France
1935 Galerie Fernand Nathan, Paris, France
1944 Black Mountain College, Black Mountain, North
1948–1949 A-D Gallery, New York, New York
1950 Pictorial Photographs by Josef Breitenbach; Smithso-
nian Institute, Washington, D.C.Portraits and Land-
scapes by Joseph Breitenbach; Brooklyn Museum,
Brooklyn, New York
1954 Korea; Limelight Gallery, New York, New York

1961 New School for Social Research, New York, New
1965 Wanderung: 250 Photographien 1930 bis 1965;Mu ̈nch-
ner Stadtmuseum, Munich, Germany
2000 Photographs by Josef Breitenbach; Fox Talbot Mu-
seum, Lacock, United Kingdom
2001 Photographs by Josef Breitenbach; Scottish National
Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland
2001–2002Josef Breitenbach, 1896–1984;Une Photographie
Impure, Muse ́e Nice ́phore Nie ́pce, Chalon-sur-Saoˆ ne,

Group Exhibitions
1933 Joint exhibition of exiled photographers, Librarie
Lipschutz, Paris, France
1935 Documents de la vie sociale; Galerie de la Ple ́iade,
group exhibition of the AEAR (Association des E ́cri-
vains et Artistes Re ́volutionnaires)
1955 Family of Man: Museum of Modern Art, New York,
New York
1960 Photography in the Fine Arts II: Metropolitan Museum
of Art, New York, New York
1961 Photography in the Fine Arts III: Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York, New York
1961 Photography in the Fine Arts IV: Museum of Fine
Arts, Boston, Massachusetts

Selected Works
La Tour Eiffel, Paris, 1928
Seefeld in Tirol, 1928
Mr. Josef Schnaffner, Decorateur, Munich, c. 1932
Karl Valentin in‘‘The Bartered Bride,’’ 1933
Max Ernst, Paris, 1938
Graf Vittorio Cerutti and Wife, Paris, 1933–1939
Late Harvest, near Calais, August, 1939
Korea, 1964

Further Reading
Berlanga, Paul, and Stephen Daiter Gallery.Josef Breiten-
bach: Munich, Paris, New York, Chicago: Stephen Dai-
ter Gallery, 2003.
Breitenbach, Josef.Installation Views of the Exhibition Freie
Deutsche Kunst and Two Other Exhibitions. 1938.
Breitenbach, Josef.Women of Asia. New York: The John
Day Co., 1968.
Dryansky, Larisa.Josef Breitenbach. Paris Chalon-sur-
Saoˆ ne: Amateur; Muse ́e Nice ́phore Nie ́pce, 2001.
Holborn, Mark.Josef Breitenbach, Photographer. New
York: Temple Rock Company, 1986.
Holz, Keith, and Wolfgang Schopf.Im Auge Des Exils:
Joseph Breitenbach Und Die Freie Deutsche Kultur in
Paris 1933–1941. 1. Aufl. ed. Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag, 2001.
Immisch, T. O., Ulrich Pohlmann, and Klaus E. Go ̈ltz.
Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg, and Mu ̈nchner Stadtmu-
seum. Fotomuseum.Josef Breitenbach: Photographien
Zum 100. Geburtstag.Mu ̈nchen: Schirmer/Mosel, 1996.
Mu ̈nchner Stadtmuseum Fotomuseum.Die Sammlung Josef
Breitenbach ZurGeschichte Der Photographie : Eine Aus-
stellung Im Fotomuseum Des Mu ̈nchener Stadtmuseums
Vom 20. Juli 1979 Bis 9. September 1979, Exh. cat.
Mu ̈nchen: Mu ̈nchner Stadtmuseum, 1979.


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