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Further reading

Bradley, Randy. ‘‘The Staged Photograph.’’Blackflash, vol.
7, no. 1, Spr. 1989: 13.
Dines, Elaine K. Anxious Interiors, An Exhibition of
Tableau Photography and Sculpture. Laguna Beach,
CA: Laguna Beach Museum of Art, 1984.
Goldwater, Marge. ‘‘Sandy Skoglund,’’Cross-References;
Sculpture into Photography. Minneapolis, MN: Walker
Art Center, 1987.

Lemagny, Jean-Claude and Andre ́Rouille ́, eds. ‘‘The Fab-
ricated Image.’’A History of Photography, Social and
Cultural Perspectives, trans. by Janet Lloyd. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1987: 221; 224–5.
Ratcliff, Carter. ‘‘Tableau Photography: From Mayall to
Rodan; Its Roots and Its Reason.’’Picture, issue 18,
September 1981: 4–47.
Town, Elke.Subjects & Subject Matter. London, ON: Lon-
don Regional Art Gallery, 1985.

Oscar Rejlander, Hard Times, ca. 1860, albumen print, Museum Purchase, ex-collection A. E.
[Photograph courtesy of George Eastman House]

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