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Tenya Lake, Mount Conness, Yosemite National Park,
around 1946
Moon and Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, 1960
Wood Flame, Tree Detail, Yosemite National Park, around
Aspens, Northern New Mexico, 1976

Books of Photographs

Taos Pueblo. Text by Mary Austin. San Francisco: 1930.
Sierra Nevada: The John Muir Trail. Berkeley, CA: 1938.
Michael and Anne in Yosemite Valley. Text by Virginia
Adams. New York and London: 1941.
Born Free and Equal: The Story of Loyal Japanese-Amer-
icans at Manzanar Relocation Center. New York: 1944.
My Camera in the National Parks. Boston: 1950.
The Islands of Hawaii. Text by Edward Joesting. Honolulu:
Yosemite Valley. Nancy Newhall, ed. San Francisco: 1959.

These We Inherit: The Parklands of America. San Francisco:
Fiat Lux: The University of California. Text by Nancy New-
hall. New York: 1967.
Ansel Adams: Images 1923–1974. Text by Wallace Stegner.
Boston: 1974.
Photographs of the Southwest. Text by Lawrence Clark
Powell. Boston: 1976.
The Portfolios of Ansel Adams. Introduction by John Szar-
kowski. Boston and London: 1977.
Ansel Adams: An Autobiography. With Mary Street Alinder.
Boston: 1985.

Technical Books
Making a Photograph. New York and London: 1935.
Basic Photo Series:Camera and Lens. New York: 1948
and 1970;The Negative. New York: 1948;The Print.
New York: 1950; Natural Light Photography. New

Ansel Adams, Aspens, Northern New Mexico, Print No. 6 from Portfolio VII, 1976, New
Mexico, 1958, Gelatin-silver print, 17^7 = 8  225 = 800 , Gift of the photographer in honor of David
H. McAlpin.
[Digital Image#The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by SCALA/Art Resource, NY]

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