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formulaic images as documents and organize them
in stereotypically defined categories. Another kind
of action in newspapers occurred in 1975, when he
placed colorations on one page of the feminist
Emma. In hisZeit-Serien(Time Series) he took 36
photographs of a scene, the number of images on a
standard roll of film, documenting various every-
day situations or scenes, such as pictures of a car
radio while music that he enjoyed was playing. In
1995 he founded the magazineOHIO.
Many of Feldmann’s projects are postcard series
and placard-like prints. For the yearly exhibition in
Vienna called Das Plakat, he created toward the
end of 1994 and the beginning of 1995, 3,000 public
placard partitions, on which he arranged family
photos of his own and of strangers in black and
white on a blue background. In his subversive mimi-
cry, Feldmann is active in all media he can copy.


Seealso:Appropriation; Artists’ Books; Conceptual
Photography; Family Photography; Gilbert &
George; Photography in Europe: Germany and Aus-
tria; Vernacular Photography


Born 1941 in Du ̈sseldorf; studied at the Du ̈sseldorfer Kun-
stakademie; Gustav Klimt-Preis, 1995; Camera Austria-
Preis der Stadt Graz fu ̈r internationale zeitgeno ̈ssische
Fotografie, 1999; lives in Du ̈sseldorf.

Individual Exhibitions

1972 Hans-Peter Feldmann; Daner Galleriet; Copenhagen,
1973 Hans-Peter Feldmann; Galleria Sperone; Turin, Italy
1974 Hans-Peter Feldmann; Kunstbibliothek; Copenhagen,
1975 Hans-Peter Feldmann; Kunstraum; Munich, Germany
1977 Hans-Peter Feldmann; Museum Folkwang; Essen, Germany
1979 Hans-Peter Feldmann; Ink, Halle fu ̈r internationale
Kunst; Zurich, Switzerland
1988 Hans-Peter Feldmann; Galerie Paul Maenz; Cologne,
1989 Hans-Peter Feldmann; Portikus; Frankfurt am Main,
1990 Hans-Peter Feldmann. Retrospektive; Kunstverein fu ̈r
die Rheinlande und Westfalen; Du ̈sseldorf, Germany
Hans-Peter Feldmann: Die Toten; Galerie Barbara
Wien; Berlin, Germany
1999 Hans-Peter Feldmann: Bu ̈cher; Neues Museum Weser-
burg; Bremen, Germany
2001 Hans-Peter Feldmann; Kunstverein Graz; Graz, Aus-
2001 Inter-Archiv; Kunstraum der Universita ̈tLu ̈neburg;
Lu ̈neburg, Germany

Group Exhibitions
1972 Documenta 5; Kassel, Germany
1974 Projekt ’74; Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Kunsthalle
Ko ̈ln, Ko ̈lnischer Kunstverein; Cologne, Germany
1976 Documenta 6; Kassel, Germany
1977 Malerei und Photographie im Dialog; Kunsthaus Zu ̈r-
ich; Zurich, Switzerland
1979 Schlaglichter; Rheinisches Landesmuseum; Bonn,
1980 Kunst na ’ Europa; Museum van hedendaagse
Kunst; Ghent, Switzerland
1983 Kunst mit Photographie; Neue Nationalgalerie; Berlin,
Germany, and traveling
1988 Zwischen Schwarz & Weiss; Neuer Berliner Kunstver-
ein; Berlin, Germany
1993 Romantik in der Kunst der Gegenwart; Ludwig Forum;
Aachen, Germany
1994 Aura: Die Realita ̈t des Kunstwerks zwischen Autono-
mie, Reproduktion und Kontext; Wiener Secession; Vien-
na, Austria
1994 Das Archiv; Forum Stadtpark; Graz, Austria
1995 Dicht am Leben. 3. Internationale Foto-Triennale; Villa
Merkel; Esslingen, Germany
1995 Take Me (I’m Yours); Serpentine Gallery; London
and Kunsthalle Nu ̈rnberg; Nu ̈rnberg, Germany
1999 Stadtluft—Der urbane Raum als Medium der Macht;
Hamburger Kunstverein; Hamburg, Germany
1999 Moving Images: Film-Reflexionen in der zeitgeno ̈s-
sischen Kunst; Galerie fu ̈r zeitgeno ̈ssische Kunst Leipzig;
Leipzig, Germany

Selected Works
Artists’ Books
12 Bilder, 1968 (Airplanes)
11 Bilder, 1969 (Knees)
1 Bilder, 1970 (Coat)
152 Bilder, 1971 (Portraits of women)
6 Bilder, 1971 (Soccer players)
6 Bilder, 1974 (Hedges)

Der U ̈berfall, Cologne: Wolfgang Hake Verlag, 1975
Ein Leben, unpublished, 1978
Telefonbuch, Dudweiler: AQ-Verlag, 1980
Enzyklopa ̈die, vols. 1 and 2, Du ̈sseldorf: Feldmann Verlag,
Portra ̈t, Munich: Schirmer/Mosel, 1994
Die Tote,. 1967–1993,Du ̈sseldorf: Feldmann Verlag, 1998
Feldmann, Hans-Peter, and Christian Konrad,Die Johan-
neskirche in Du ̈sseldorf,Du ̈sseldorf: Feldmann Verlag,
100 Jahre, Munich: Schirmer/Mosel, 2001

ZeitschriftEXTRA, Cologne, 1975, no. 5, 8 (Nudes)
ZeitschriftSalon, Cologne/Du ̈sseldorf 1977–1983, nos. 1–11
(Title pages)
ZeitschriftImage, Zurich 1979
ZeitschriftProfil, Vienna 2000, no. 6

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