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In 1965, Klein left Vogue and professional
photography and took up filmmaking. His most
famous works areWho are you Polly Magoo?,Cas-
sius the Great,Loin du Vietnam,and, released in
2000,The Messiah.
At the beginning of his photographic career in
1956, William Klein won the Prix Nadar for the
bookNew York. At Photokina 1963, he was voted
one of the greatest artists in the history of photo-
graphy. In 1978, he was honored at the Interna-
tional Festival of Arles. In 1980–1981, the Museum
of Modern Art organized an exhibition of his early
works, which redefined the role of the photogra-
pher inside the New York School of Photography.
William Klein lives and works in Paris as a film-
maker and, part-time, as a still photographer.


Seealso:Cartier-Bresson, Henri; History of Photo-
graphy: Postwar Era; Liberman, Alexander; Manip-
ulation; Photogram; Social Representation; Street


Born in New York, 19 April 1928. Studied sociology at City
College of the City of New York. Was enlisted in the United
States Army as an army newspaper cartoonist, 1946–1948.
Attended the Sorbonne in Paris, 1948; studied painting with
Fernand Le ́ger, 1948. Worked forVogue, 1955–1965. 1958,
takes up filmmaking. Award Nadar, 1956. Grand Prix de la
Photographie, France, 1986. Kultur Preis, Germany, 1987.
Guggenheim Award, USA, 1988. Commander of Arts and
Letters, France, 1989. International Prize Hasselblad Foun-
dation, Sweden, 1990. Agfa Bayer, Germany, 1993. Millen-
nium Medal, Royal Photographic Society, Great Britain,

  1. Living in Paris, France.

Individual Exhibitions

1951 Gallery Dietrich-Lou Cosyns; Brussels
1951 Galleria del Milione; Milan
1953 Gallery Apollo; Brussels
Salon des Re ́alite ́s Nouvelles; Paris
1956 La Hune; Paris
1960 Vista Books; London
1961 Fuji Photo Salon; Tokyo
1965 Jaegers; London
1967 Stedelijk Museum; Amsterdam
1978 Fiolet Gallery; Amsterdam
Apeldoorn Museum; Apeldoorn
Massachussetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge
1979 National Foundation of Photography; Lyon
Canon Gallery; Geneve
1979 Canon Gallery; Basel
Salford International Exhibition; Manchester
Museum of Modern Art; New York
1981 Light Gallery; New York
Light Gallery; Los Angeles

1983 Centre Georges Pompidou; Muse ́e National d’Art Mo-
derne; Paris
1986 Photographs by William Klein: Recent Acquisitions;
UCR/California Museum of Photography; Riverside,
1995 William Klein New York 1954– 1955 ; San Francisco
Museum of Modern Art; San Francisco, California
1996 New York 1954–1955; Maison Europe ́enne de la
Photographie; Paris
1997 New York 1954–1955; Palace of Exhibitions; Rome
2000 Old and New Work; Carla Sozzani Gallery; Milan
2001 Painted Contacts; Charles Cowles Gallery, New York

Group Exhibitions
1963 Thirty Photographers of the Century; Photokina;
1977 10 Fashion Photographers; International Museum of
Photography and Film at the George Eastman House;
Rochester; and Brooklyn Museum, New York; San
Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Cincinnati Art Insti-
tute; Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida
1978 International Festival, Arles
10 Photographers from Atget to Klein; Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; Cambridge
1980 Photography of the 50s; International Center of Photogra-
phy; New York, traveled to Center for Creative Photogra-
phy, University of Arizona, Tucson; Minneapolis Institute of
Arts; California State University, Long Beach; Delaware Art
Museum, Wilmington
1981 French Photography: A Selection, 1945–1980; Zabris-
kie Gallery; Paris
1982 50 Years of Vogue; Muse ́e Jacquemart Andre ́; Paris
1985 The New York School, Photographs, 1935–1963, Part I
& Part II; Corcoran Gallery of Art; Washington, DC
1986 The New York School, Photographs, 1935–1963, Part
III; Corcoran Gallery of Art; Washington, D.C
1987 Photography and Art 1946–1986; Los Angeles County
Museum of Art; Los Angeles, California
1997 American Photography 1890–1965 from the Collection;
Museum of Modern Art; New York
2000 William Klein, Helmut Newton, Irving Penn, David
Seidner; Maison Europienne de la Photographie; Paris.
2001 Open City: Street Photographs since 1950; The
Museum of Modern Art; Oxford, England; and Hirsh-
horn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C.

Selected Works
New York, 1956; 1996
Rome, 1958–1959
Moscow, 1964
Tokyo, 1964
Mister Freedom, 1970
Close Up, 1989
Torino 90, 1990

Further Reading
Caujolle, Christian.William Klein. Paris: Centre national de
la photographie, Photo Poche, 1985.

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