Ultimate Grimoire and Spellbook

(backadmin) #1

swallowed. Let the patient walk after it, if able, or let him use what exercise
he can without fatigue, for an hour and a half; after which let him take two
ounces of olive oil, and not eat or drink anything in less than half an hour
afterward. Let this be repeated every day, or once in three days, and not
oftener, till a cure is effected, and do not let blood, or use any other remedy
during the course.
Nothing can be more gentle and safe than the operation of this remedy.
If the dropsy is in the body it discharges it by water, without any
inconvenience; if it is between the skin and flesh, it cases blisters to rise on
the legs, by which it will run off; but this does not happen to more than one
in thirty: and in this case no plasters must be used, but apply red-cabbage
leaves. It cures dropsy in pregnant women, without injury to the mother or
child. It also alleviates asthma, consumption and disorders of the liver.


We are informed by a friend that a sure preventive against this terrible
disease, is, to take some soft soap and mix it with a sufficient quantity of
pulverized chalk, so as to make it of the consistency of buckwheat batter;
keep the chalk moistened with a fresh supply of soap until the wound
begins to discharge, and the patient finds relief. Our friend stated to us that
explicit confidence may be placed in what he says, that he has known
several cases where this remedy has been successfully applied. So simple
and valuable a remedy, within the reach of everyone, ought to be generally
known. — N.Y. Evening Post.


A Liverpool paper states as follows: “A few days ago, happening to be in
the country, we witnessed the efficacy of the remedy for the sting of a wasp
mentioned in one of our late papers. A little boy was stung severely and was
in great torture, until an onion was applied to the part affected, when the
cure was instantaneous. This important and simple remedy cannot be too
generally known, and we pledge ourselves to the facts above stated.”


Take one ounce tinct. rhubarb, one ounce laudanum, one ounce tinct.
Cayenne pepper, one ounce spirits of camphor. Dose, from ten to thirty
drops for an adult.

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