Ultimate Grimoire and Spellbook

(backadmin) #1

clean earthen crock and place it with the contents over live coals for twenty
or thirty minutes, stirring it occasionally: then strain it through a coarse
cloth or canvas, and it forms a consistent ointment, with which anoint the
windgalls two or three times a day.
Fifty dollars had been offered for the above recipe, so says our
informant, who kindly furnished it.


The excellent ball for broken-winded horses, that has made a perfect cure
of over seven hundred in less than nine months, after many other medicines
being tried in vain. Take myrrh, elecampane, and licorice root, in fine
powder, three ounces each; saffron, three drachms: assafoetida, one ounce;
sulphur squills and cinnabar of antimony, of each two ounces; aurum
mosaicum, one ounce and a half; oil of aniseed, eighty drops. You may
make it into paste with either treacle or honey, and give the horse the
quantity of a hen’s egg every morning for a week; and afterwards every
other morning till the disorder is removed.

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