Ultimate Grimoire and Spellbook

(backadmin) #1


Apart from botanical science, there is perhaps no subject of
inquiry connected with plants of wider interest than that suggested

by the study of folk-lore. This field of research has been largely

worked of late years, and has obtained considerable popularity in
this country, and on the Continent.

Much has already been written on the folk-lore of plants, a fact

which has induced me to give, in the present volume, a brief
systematic summary--with a few illustrations in each case--of the

many branches into which the subject naturally subdivides itself. It is

hoped, therefore, that this little work will serve as a useful handbook
for those desirous of gaining some information, in a brief concise

form, of the folk-lore which, in one form or another, has clustered

round the vegetable kingdom.


November 19, 1888.
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