The New Typography

(Elle) #1
Type-symbol for the Wilhelm Heunert
Soest Ironworks

composing-room. rules. straight and curved. geometrical shapes. letters
and - not least- imagination. Without that. even the latest materials and
types are of no use.
A symbol either brrngs letters together to make a new form. or illustrates
the product. or does both. The effect of the Pel1kan symbol depends on the
use of the simplest type-forms in strong contrast and movement. The
·Heunert" symbol IS a representat1on of the firm's products. made out of
the in1t1als of the firm's name. With the mitial of the forename Piet and the
black square c·zwart" is the Dutch word for the German ·schwarz." black)
an unforgettable device is made. Herbert Bayer's design for a glass-painter

Symbol for a glass-painter/artist
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