There is also a standard for the A5 format (148x21 0 mm). for use both as
upright and horizontal. Standard 677 covers both, reduced reproductions of
which are shown on the following pages.
Neither of these alternatives is really practical. A5 used vertically is similar
in general form to a letterhead in standard A4, but is obviously smaller and
is therefore less easy to find in a file. In horizontal form it has only its width
in common with A4, but loses in lucidity ber::ause the firm's name and
details seem to be_separated.
The space for writing on both is rather small, but since they are intended
for shorter messages that is not a fault.
A5 letterheads are used chiefly for two reasons:
- A short message on an A4 page leaves a large space which may be
thought unsightly. But a letter is first and foremost a communication.
and aesthetic appearances must be less important than the purpose of
the document. We said above that the purpose of a letter is not finished
when it has been received and read. It will be put aside and needed
again, and must therefore be looked for. The more different formats and
sizes the more labour! One format. one standard! - To save paper. But even on longer runs there will be little saved: the
extra cost of paper is negligible. In shorter runs the cost of printing the
other half of an A5 sheet will cost as much as an A4 sheet.
It is therefore always better to use A4 rather than A5! As for the typogra
phy of A5 letterheads. the rules laid down in the sections on A4 are just as
binding. In both kinds of A5 a strict observance of the normal rules will
bring an excellent typographic result.