In view of the present chaos in business-card design - even worse than
that in pre-standardized business letterheads - the recommendations
made here are most urgently required. Even if the system of headings is not
followed, at least the A7 format should be adhered to.
A private visiting-card naturally does not carry headings. Most important:
the prime requisite for a satisfactory result is to keep the printed informa
tion down to the barest essentials. Since for various reasons it is most
desirable that the dimensions of business and private cards should be the
same. the format DIN A7 (74xl05 mm) must be used. The former distinc
tions between "ladies' cards" and "gentlemen's cards" and countless simi
lar nuances must be forgotten: they have now become stupid and in addi
tion unpractical. Example:
jan tschichold
C!:l Cll
co r..
.r:. 1ii
..:<:. (..)
c co
3: c
c Cll
.r:. (..)
·� c
Visiting-card in standard format (DIN 47, 74x105). Black type on white. Actual size.