10 niSATIESPAnnln&
PIET ZWART: Advertisement (reduced)
old principles. Closely spaced lines. especially when followed by very short
lines. always look ugly. (On the labor1ous block-sett1ng method. which for
long has been a favourite solution especially for c1nema advertising. we
need waste no further time.) The old typography always produces a very
"gappy" pattern of lines. which with the pressure of small formats and the
f1xed copy-requ1rements of the customer make it either difficult or impossi
ble to use large s1zes of type. Now. the New Typography not only makes
possible. but requ1res. strong contrasts of every kind (in type sizes etc.).
and g1ves the compos1tor freedom to produce intell1gent layouts.
The symmetry of the complete page. practised by the art1sts. is to be
avo1ded not only on aesthetiC grounds. In practice 1t is hardly ever possible
to produce a whole page symmetrically. To achieve that. symmetry not only
of format but of each adjacent advertisement would be necessary. It hardly
needs say1ng that th1s will rarely happen. The oppos1te is the rule. The var
ious d1fferent headings inev1tably g1ve an asymmetriC effect. which however
need not be inharmon1ous.
Even a single advertisement ga1ns 1 n effect when the centred arrangement
IS diSCarded. It will look more attract1ve. and the lines of type. as 1n the
Baume1ster example shown earlier (p. 67). can be more logically positioned.
Bes1des discardmg centred des1gn. a more intensive use of black-and
white effects is required. There are endless possibilities. through enlarged