The New Typography

(Elle) #1

fixed size of an ordinary face (rciman or sanserif) and at most three sizes of
a fixed heading type (bold sans or bold roman). In order to get a good
result. the often childish demands of advertisers may be ignored. These are
the more unreasonable since small advertisements do not compete with
each other but are read like a book. It is worth noticing that the small
advertisements in Gartenlaube are up till now the best laid out. although in
A jusfifiable complaint made against German newspapers and journals is
that their advertising pages. with their great patches of black. are very
ugly. and comparison is made with North America, whose newspapers by

Newspaper advertisement
(Munchener Neueste Nachrichten)
Bad. because:
unnecessary ornaments.
too many k1nds of type and type s1zes (7)
centred des1gn
which makes reading d1ff1cult and is

The same advertisement, redesigned
(Jan Tschichold)
Good. because:
no use of ornament.
clear type. few s1zes.
(in all. only 5 different types)
good leg,bi11ty.
good appearance.


. Ausbildung
Private kaulmlinnlsche Kurse
Dr. Sabel
lnh. Therese Sabel
Miinchen, Kaufingerstr.14!2
Telefon 91064
Jahreskurse u.Mtidchen tiir �chulentlassBegmn: .ene Kn abe'! 16.Jiprd
Halbjahreskurse: Beginn: 1. Mai
Unterricht in Einzelflichern. Anmeld. tliglich.
Angenehme Zahlungsbedin,qung. *[18767j2·2

Private kaufmfinnische Kurse
Dr. Sabel lnh. Theresa Sabel
Munchen, KaufingerstraBe 14,2 Tel. g1064

.Jahreskurse fUr schulentlassene Knaben
und Made hen Beg inn 16. April
Halbjahreskursa Beg inn 1. Mai
Unterricht in Einzelfikhern. Anmeld. taglich.
Angenehme Zahlu ngsbed ingung. •[ 18767]2-2
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