The New Typography

(Elle) #1

In order to fully understand the new typography. it will help to study the
most recent developments in painting and photography. For the laws gov­
erning typographic design are the same as those discovered by modern
painters as governing design in general. The following pages therefore
attempt to give in broad outline an account of the recent developments in
In the Gothic period a change took place from frescoes or wall-paintings to
movable easel-paintings. Pa�nting at that t1me still had a social function. it
was a form of worship and an expression of the religious philosophy of the
times. The decline of relig1on dur�ng the Rena1ssance brought w1th it a
change in the content of pa�nt�ng. The easel-or altar-painting of the Gothic
period had remained basically the same in content as the frescoes: desp1te
certain wealthy burgher-class tendencies it had remained essentially reli­
gious. The feudal life of the Renaissance brought with it a freeing of art
content from the dictates of the Church. Even though religious subjects
were used. they became an express1on of a new attitude to l1fe. a mirror for
the l1fe of the ruling classes. the feudal lords. The "artist." once a retainer
of the Church. was elevated to a h1gher social sphere. During the
Renaissance and the times which followed. he led the l1fe of the great
lords. and the1r ideology was reflected in his paintings.
This was the Situation of all painting and "art" until the French Revolution.
The period which followed it. in which we are st1ll living. was formed by the
new class which rose to power. the middle class. and its ideology. At first.

MANET: In the

Photq;:ra :Jr,1 sc'len
Berlln-Ct"Jarlotte'lburg 9]

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