The New Typography

(Elle) #1

unity in art out of pure forms and colours and conditions governed by laws.
The first to follow this path, starting before the war, were the Russians
Kandinsky and Malevich. Kandinsky created abstract harmonies out of
colours and forms -not the distortions of the Cubists, but with synthetic
unities whose effect could be compared to that of music. By discarding
physical objects he con.quers para-physical space. like Malevich, who set
his geometrical planes in space and created an ascetic crystal world
(Suprematism). The consistent work of this artist led the picture as a flat
representation towards the zero-point, to endless white space. "In his long­
ing for the material, man envelops himself in the flames of abstract idealism
and destroys everything that is material in himself, in order to become pure
for the reception of the new object. It was here that man closed with com­
position and went over to construction" (Uien). In 1919 Malevich turned
from painting to architecture.
The Russian El Lissitzky gathered the broken pieces of Suprematism
together and extended their resources into stereometric structures. His
vision, inspired by the beauty and the extraordinary possibilities of modern
science. created a new art structure. He called it, as the existing names
"painting" and "sculpture" could no longer be applied, by the new word
"Proun" (pronounced pro-un).

  • supremum (latm) =the h1ghest, the utmost

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