- The spheres need to be the same size as a volleyball.
- You will need some volleyballs and tape measures for this class.
- Have students measure each model and then build a model of their space sphere.
- Students should create a 3D model and draw a design of their space sphere as well.
- Have students work in groups of three.
- Allow time for students to share their work when finished.
- Begin by having students look at this website which looks at MIT students who are designing spheres to go
into space. - http://www.spacedaily.com/news/microsat-00e.html
- This is a great video which show architecture and space together.
- The engineers in the video work with spheres and also explain how area and volume impact the design of
anything that is sent into space. - http://www.thefutureschannel.com/dockets/hands-on_math/space_architecture/
- This is a great place to begin a discussion with students about careers that use mathematics.
- Here is another fun website that looks at spheres.
- http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/earthsysflr/spheres.html
- Assess each work product.
- Were the directions followed?
- Did students accomplish the objective?
- Provide students with feedback on their work.
Similar Solids
- Find the volumes of solids with bases of equal areas.
- For this activity, you will need to use the information at the following website.
- http://www.mathematische-basteleien.de/kaleidocycles.htm
- This website provides pictures and directions of how to make different kaleidocycles.
- It is a great way for students to see how similar solids can be combines together.
- Some of the solids are congruent and some are similar.
- Become familiar with some of the patterns and designs before assigning this to the students.
- Then give them the instructions, by printing or providing technology and let them go to work.
- Students need to select at least two different kaleidocycles to create.
- They can also design their different ones.
- Allow time for students to present their work when finished.
- The activity above integrates technology into the making of kaleidocycles.
3.11. Surface Area and Volume